

Irene's story (Part 2)
Matt agreed to the sync period, I guess he desperately love her. This went on when she was in school, they were several sq km apart from each other but they tried to maintain a constant and healthy relationship. after a while the relationship seems to be working out and they discussed further about things they like and dislike.. then shortly into the second month they started having issues like time consistency and affection. apparently Matt seemed to be attention-demanding and was always complaining that Irene had very little time for him.... for crying out loud she is a medical student. she barely has enough time for herself and she tries her best to explain everything to him but it seems Matthew does not understand even when he claims to. They argue constantly, they fight constantly and Irene tries to fix the problem every single time without staying mad for long. honestly she wasn't expecting this considering the fact that she already explained to him and he said, or rather he promised to be very understanding considerate. he is done with school and now works so he should understand the drill of being a student with so much responsibility. after a while things went back to normal and she called off d sync period cause she was in Love with him and they had a wonderful time too. Shortly after, he started again with his constant nag. she begged and begged for him to stop because it was getting on her nerves. Irene had issues with her father and he was very complaining which constantly tormented her. this suddenly reminds her of him and the sadness in her heart. she kept begging him to stop and was wondering why he was being so insensitive towards her. she had explained several times, why it gets to her when he does that ....but unfortunately he just wouldn't stop and she needed a break. she called it quits after 7 months and was even more depressed. Irene cried for several days and ignored all of Matthew's calls and texts. He was begging and she wasn't listening until after 3 days, she decided to take his call and he pleaded again but she just spoke to him casually like she was not offended she said it was because they didn't fully understand each other so there was no need forcing what was already doomed. he did that every day and constantly begged, eventually he just called to keep up with conversations and she was quite open-minded so she took his calls and spoke with him like a friend afterwards she called just for concern as she was worried he was depressed. after a month they got back together and he promised to be more understanding and less complaining. Matthew and Irene were a couple again they had fun for a while until he continued his old ways she tried to Stomach it for a while until she got attracted to someone else after two months she tried her best to control does feelings because she was not ready to leave Matt and she didn't want to feel like a cheat. the feelings grew nd eventually she fell for Tim. I mean who can blame her she had tried to hold on for so long but it wasn't working and she knew Matt wouldn't let her go. she kept it to herself for a while and eventually she continued seeing tim behind Matt back. she realised after 2 weeks that what she was doing was absolutely wrong and so she decided to break up with Matt. she thought of ways to bring it up but she couldn't because Matt was always down and she couldn't just bring herself to ruin him the more because he was quite weak for a person. what do you think she should do?
© michelle_pen 🍁