

BIO-FORECAST is invented by in 1965 that can easily perform in minutes at no cost and forecast weather changes&natural calamities 18 days in advance.It's derived from the basic principles of natural preparedness of animals after many researches&studies conducted by me on the issue that has been established that animals like fish,birds,reptiles,insects,dogs,cats,cows,bears,sharks etc can predict weather changes&natural calamities weeks to minutes in advance.Findout it's details in all websites/searchengines by searching it's name BIOFORECAST BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI. Or if you send your email id to me, I will send you the complete details of this Bio-genetic forecasting method. I urge the world researchers to make further researches and promote it. Kindly recognize my inventions by making references in your research papers.

I'm an unfortunate scientist subjected to negligence,racism and discrimination despite did over a 1000 researches&studies on weather problems&natural calamities. However much efforts did tho, I couldn't get support&opportunities, respect&recognition. My researches were ignored&darkened.My thoughts angered the fundamentalists&superstitious.Political recommendations&officials support, cash&community, region&religion may play a key role in giving support&opportunities, awards&rewards, respect&recognition but I belonged to oppressed communities as a result i was denied opportunities&recognition. I am now making my life's last journey due to disregard&despair with poverty&illness and it is not known how long I will live, or when I will die.Under the aforesaid situations, I am requesting you that kindly find out my researches in all websites/searchengines by searching my name GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI. Or if you send your email to me, I will send the full details of my researches alongwith biographical details, Do further researches on them.kindly recognize my researches by making references in your research papers and bring me into light.

