

Can two work together except they agree ? Can you have the same heart beat except you think along the same line. You may have different backgrounds, different training , different abilities, different skills, different styles but one thing is sure that we belong to the same speeches, human beings with body , Spirit and Soul .

We embark on the same journey the day we were born , journey from birth to death. We come across different bridges to cross. With strength and wisdom some try to cross this bridge. Self dependence fails. God stretched forth his able hands across to us , some approach his able hands for help , others depend on their strength and wisdom.

A good friend at other end calling " try God he will not fail you . He is ever faithful and ever ready to help. " I have wisdom !, strength! shouted the other friend. " As time goes on wisdom fails and strength diminishes. Come my dear friend " see there is a power that never fails. He changeth not nor diminished. He is ever the same and awesome powerful.
All ears and never sleep.
"I am here tell me more about him. "yelled his friend. He held his friends hand and begins to tell him .' He came in human form through a righteous woman , his name is Jesus. '

Step on this solid bridge made by the shedding of an innocent blood , a sinless soul prepared to sacrifice his life to save the world. " I see , I feel light weight and relieved ! I am willing to know more about this new found love in Jesus "
"My teacher is the Bible and the Holy Spirit " replied the friend.
For two to work together they must agree. Agree to succeed or fail .
My dear choose success because its priceless and at the end is joy unlimited.
© Bunkej