

Dear diary entry 2
(The warmest hug in November❤️)

Dear diary,

Last night, After I dedicated my heart and soul to you,

I fell fast asleep, not realizing that you were still on the bed,

And I dreamt about beautiful golden Hazel eyes and the warmest day of November,

The kindest smile that melts Summer itself
and the most sincere expression,

If 'The warmest day in November' Existed, I'm sure he'll be enamored by me,

So in this hazy dream, I approached him casually,
And for some reason, I felt cold, Like my entire soul was freezing,

As I got closer to him, His presence was making me feel better and warmer than I was before, and I wanted more warmth from him, selfish me,

I felt more comfortable being around him, although we just met, but the lingering chill made me want to talk to him,

Then we made casual conversation,
And it went like,

"Hello, Cool day in the park, isn't it?" I said, sounding friendly.

"Hey, um, It's pretty warm outside. You're cold?" He asked, his Hazel eyes stared at me puzzled.

"Yes, this may be really weird, but can I hug you? You seem like the warmest person in November." I didn't realize I actually said this.

He smiled kindly and said,
" I'm the warmest person in November and you're cold? What a cute pick up line." He laughed, Teasingly .

I laughed nervously, not wanting to admit it,
But I was so cold and he was laughing at me,

But the dream was so bizarre because,
As I tried to convince this guy to hug me for a second,
The weather got colder and colder,

He seemed unbothered and not freezing at all, and that made me a bit more confused,

"You're not cold at all? It's freezing out here!" I said, shivering in the frigid weather.

"No. Not at all. Are you really that cold? Come here." He said this, kindly feeling my temperature.

His hand felt soft and so warm, I felt grateful for his sincere gesture.

"Oh my, you are really cold. I hope this helps." He said, wrapping me up gently with his jacket, with a genuine look on his face.

Instantly, I felt the warmth slowly coming back to my body and I felt really good...

" Thank you so much." I couldn't be more grateful for his sincere kindness.

Full of warmth and gratitude, I hugged him,
And it was the warmest hug in November,

He looked really surprised but he hugged me back, And I woke up, feeling satisfied,

For me, That was the most warmest hug I've ever received,
And from that dream,

I've always wanted to hug anyone I seen,
Because the warmest person in November,
Hugged me, and it felt so nice,

I really hoped you enjoyed my dream,
Because if I could, I'd dream about it again and again...

And I love you so much, That I had to tell you about my dream.

So, Goodnight and I'll talk to you later tomorrow night.

Forever mines,


© Midnightdreams