

Ruler of Us
Have anyone ever thought of how hard to live in past?Have you ever thought what if you wake up and saw your self in a whole new world?People in past woke up to see their selves in a new world , a sophisticated and well developed world , with all inventions that facilitate their life. But what if people nowadays wake up to see their selves in past.I am trying to imagine how can we manage our stuff since no one is qualified to do his work easily alone without any help. All of us believe that because we live in nowadays and we have rights so we become independent,but we are so wrong.None of us has an independency life because all of us depends on technology to do our jobs , the devices that we invented to help us are now a ruler that control our life .Today as more we invented to make our lives easier as more we become dependent, till the end of the world comes and they won't be valuable anymore .