

Some dreams are meant to come true,. But what do you do when your nightmare comes true? Do run the opposite way or face your fears?

Running away from fear will lead you to cowardice. It's all in your imagination; we have to overcome it, that's it.

In everyone's life, there are too many obstacles - sometimes it's too much to handle, and sometimes it's easy to get out of it. There was a girl who loved to sleep, but she didn't get any sleep because she feared it... Whenever she tried to sleep, she got nightmares of doing creepy things and many more unrealistic things that she couldn't even think of doing.

She loved her family the most... In her life, there was only her family and her God, in whom she had faith. But what's the point in it??? She always crushed herself for being too sensitive and a poltroon.

She just left her sleep and tried to stay awake. Like everyone says, after every drastic part in our life, there's a beautiful part too... Like this, she also had faith that she could overcome it, and she did it. Now she's like, 'Whatever or whenever something happens, that's for our good.'

So that's me. Now I've succeeded in overcoming my fear. If something happens in the future, I know whether I'm able to handle it or not - I'll never lose my trust in myself or my loved ones.
i will say again and again
its not good to run away
better to stay near and fight over it
and win it.

© blossompayal