

Campsite for summer

Wake up wake up! said Millie. Ha! I got you now. Get up stop pretending! OK OK, Millie I was about to scare you,said Sarah,you spoiled it! she added angrily. Right, now let’s go for breakfast then we can pack for the camp,said Millie. She and Sarah have their summer vacation, they both are going to a activity sport camp. They would learn how to draw and play water sports. They were both pretty excited.They ate breakfast which was scrambled eggs, toast, and pancakes. Then they packed their bags. Oh look,mom! Millie’s taking a soft toy! said Sarah. Millie glared at her saying: Oh please, who takes a fur notebook full of baby poems! Sarah turned red.Sarah removed the book from her bag.OK both of you you better change now the bus is coming in a few minutes!called out mom. They both changed and boarded the bus. Bye mom! I promise I will call you every night. Me too! and I will send photos too! said Millie. Hey when did you get a phone? a voice asked. Sarah and Millie turned around. It was Jasmine their classmate. Well just now Jaz nothing special.said Sarah. I want a phone too!said Jaz. I always have to send postcards, it’s hard to remember the rules!! Yes yes I know it’s that we are richer than you know, your mom can’t afford it.said Millie. Before Jazz could say anything they reached camp. Okay.......ID cards!Come on!! said Millie. while the camp captain said the instructions. We have five rules: 1. Be careful on the rocks,it’s gonna make holes in your canoes in your lake trips. 2.Don’t do anything at risk because it may be the last thing you ever do. 3.Please carry a first aid kit with you at all times.4. If you need anything or you feel sick please come to me. 5. Do not try to do anything illegal in camp. Now everyone take your things and go to your room marked on your ID cards.announced the captain. Millie and Sarah checked their ID cards. “We’re in the same room, number 14!! Four more people are with us”. read Sarah. They went to their cabin. Hi! said a small girl. “My name is Lily, what’s yours?”she asked. “My name is Sarah and this is my sister Millie.” said Sarah I’m 12 and Millies 11 what’s yours? I’m 10. said lily. They both became best friends right away! Let’s have dinner said Millie. The feast began and they ate hungrily.Then they returned to their cabin. “Good night girls”(as its A girls camp ).Good night! said Lily, Millie, and Sarah. The next day when they woke up they went for breakfast. It was a fun morning as Millie and Sarah talked with Lily. Then they had drawing class(wow I don’t even know whether I can draw it or not said Millie), then they had karate class (if you annoy me again Millie I will give you some punches said Sarah).Then they went to rest in their bunks at recess. “That was a fun day” said Millie .Yeah! hey look, what if we write poems during recess? asked Sarah. That would be fun, but we don’t have a notebook. said Millie. OK then we can ask the captain, she might have a spare one. yeah let’s g........riiiiiing. “Oh,now it’s dancing class, we will ask later.” so Millie and Sarah went to dance class. they learn a few steps but they were focusing more on the plan then the lesson. Then they went to sleep. “We will be ready with the poem Lily”.Sarah told lily. What is going to be our first poem? A summers day of course. said Millie.Come on let’s sleep, “Good night” said Sarah.”Good night” said Millie and Lily. Next day when they woke up they were thrilled to find a notebook on the tables. Everyone had got a notebook. The label said “write your thoughts, poems, stories, etc. The girls were happy,including Lily. They had drawing class as always and a free trip to the nearby lake, on canoes! This was exciting .They put on dry fit clothes and Lily had an inner tube. Suddenly the phone rang “ring ring ring”. Sarah picked it up. Hello mom, Hello dad! said Millie and Sarah.Hello! said mom. We are missing you!What do you do in camp?Oh,Normal drawing,karate and stuff.We have a plan to make poems, our captain distributed books. said Millie.Did you make a friend?asked dad.”Yes I am their friend my name is Lily anyway”. said Lily.OK We are going for a walk. Bye!said Millie and Lily.We are off to the lake! said Lily. OK kids come on we are leaving in the bus. said the speaker. They quickly took their things and left.They chatted and all the other kids chatted too. They finally reached. No way! We are together Lily,but someone else will be there. It’s OK we can discuss our plans with her of our first poem. Yes, that’s great! said Millie.They went on a canoe and Sara rowed gracefully. “Number 11 team 11 please come to canoe 8 “.the captain was calling out. everyone Rowed easily and nicely. The captain and head mistress had their own canoe, to watch that nobody was hurt. Hello what’s your name? said Millie.Lily nodded in reply. My name is Casey. said the shy girl. Come on Lily, what should be our first line?asked Millie. “Live the sun,holy sun.Let us bathe in front of you”. suggested Casey. Wow that’s a nice line! said Lily. Did you write in your diary? asked lily.” I just wrote a winter poem, I found this line by reading a story book “.OK .said Millie,writing in her book .Then? “We like to shine with you “suggested Lily .OK,that’s it for today. said Millie,slamming the book shut .We will write the rest in the night.They talked about make up and outfits while Sarah rowed. Millie showed a few reels on Instagram to Lily and Sarah. They also took a selfie with Casey.(and Jaz stared Greedily),but after some time all the canoe’s filled with water and started sinking!Everybody screamed for help.Lily and Casey were terrified! Sara rowed quickly to shore but she wasn’t fast enough. Millie found the captain and asked for floating rafts. They and the others were asking for help and floating rafts. Lily swam quickly to the shore with her inner tube.She got out of the water and lay on the shore with bruises,scratches, and bristles. “Be careful,there are piranhas in the lake” said Lily warningly. The rescue team came quickly and got a lot of floating rafts. Everyone flopped on them and quickly moved to the shore.Everyone was very scared and terrified. It was indeed a very bad ending for a very good day. Oh no!said Lily. What about our stuff?they must have got soaked! Don’t worry, don’t worry,I got a purse for storing stuff in case of an emergency. If anyone is badly hurt or scratch I got a bit of cotton and cream.said Sarah. I knew something bad was gonna happen.I thought my canoe was moving a lot than usual. The rescue team pulled everyone to the shore and nursed the injured.Thankfully no one was badly hurt. Oh no!Wait a sec....which lake is this?asked Lily.It’s the normal lake which we normally go to.I can’t believe this happened. said the headmistress sorrowfully.This is bad news. said Lily. “There is a legend that on 5 July there would be a breakdown and whoever was on this would die because some unwanted terrorists broke into this town and our town won the war in this lake so the terrorists cursed it”. I don’t know why, it’s just my mom told me this before going to camp. Casey, are you in our cabin?asked Sara. Yes I am! Will you be my friend? Yes!We think of another plan, other than a poem book.” We will investigate and find out who is behind all this trouble,I don’t think it is due to a legend “.said Millie. They headed off to camp in the bus with tears of sadness and soaked belongings.Come on!Think!What could’ve caused this?asked Lily. I don’t know....probably a mad scientist?suggested Millie. “I don’t think so ,and we could probably start that later, we can finish one poem at least, right ?Said Sarah. Let’s think of all the other lines.said Lily. They thought of good lines and wrote them down. When they were finished,Lily, Sara and Millie read all the lines they thought of:Live the sun ,hol....Wait!said Casey.Can I join in? she asked timidly.Ok!said Lily,Sarah,and Millie.Let’s start:
Live the sun,holy sun,
Let us bathe in front of you.
We like to shine with you
When we are sun bathing.
We play on Beaches,
And swim in Seas,
And make Sandcastles,
And wear Cotton clothes,
You the sun, make
A happy summer all together!
By the time they finished reciting and talked about it they already reached camp and were very tired.They got on the bed saying good night to Casey and Lily, Sarah and Millie had a peaceful night. Next day when they woke up they had different classes and met the rest of the kids in their cabin. Zoya and Zainab who were twins,were very mean to them. It’s so unlucky for us to be with these twins, they are so annoying .said Millie to Sarah ,Casey,and Lily.They all agreed with her. They were very bad children.they said bad words to all the girls and always were proud of themselves.Oooooh!Look, what frizzly hair you’ve got,mine are nice and straight.I’ve even got some good clips. Look at you,you’ve got some boring black ponytail, ha ha ha !they said it to Casey. Don’t you dare pick on her, she’s our friend.said Sara angrily. Lily and Millie came on her side. The twins were out smarted and they took their things and left for Zumba class. Lily,Sarah,Casey and Millie left for the class. After that they had sports class. They played chess.Lily won against Casey and Sara won against Millie. Then played badminton Sarah and Millie won against Lily and Casey. Ring ring ring!Its recess!Lets investigate.We will make a new poem tomorrow.Ok.Casey,any suspicion occurred to you?asked Lily.No,but I thought I saw a normal guy who looked like a fisherman with buckets full of some stuff,I bet it was piranha’s.”Yeah makes sense.”considered Sarah. Do you wanna check out what’s happening?No I don’t think so,only suspicions.Casey?interrupted Lily.Whats your age?Oh,I’m 11.Same as Millie my dear!said Sarah.I’m the oldest in the group,she added happily. The bell rang:ring ring ring!Oh!now is yoga.said Casey. They ran to class.They did a lot of asanas and stretching legs. After that they were super sleepy and flopped on their beds.Good night!said Millie and Sarah.Good night!said Lily and Casey. The next day they met the rest of the people in their cabin. They were coming back from breakfast and going to the cabin.Zoya and Zainab who were very mean and always trouble Millie,Sarah,Lily and Casey.They were also very proud of themselves.Ha Ha Ha! they said it to Casey.”Look what boring pony tails you’ve got,we have beautiful colorful ponytails and beautiful glittering clips! Looks like your mom is poor.” the twin’s said.Don’t you dare pick on her!said Sara,coming forward. She’s our friend.Lily and Millie agreed with her and went to her side. The twins were scared and ran to drawing class.Millie,Sarah Lily and Casey followed them. They did an outstanding painting and all of them were congratulated by the teachers.Then they went to the swimming pool for swimming class. “I hope it doesn’t happen like yesterday.”said.Casey,and it did.Before the four went in The pool,there were fish shapes in there. A few already went in the pool.Now they were suffering and Were getting nibbled from those fish.Piranha’s!said Sara sadly.No !they’re here again.it’s like they’re here in every single water body.No,it can’t be! All the water sports sessions Will be canceled. the speaker announced now. The Four helped all the swimming people up.The nurse cured them.One of them was very badly hurt,so she had to go to a hospital.That’s very sad. said Sara. ring ring ring! Oh!After all this trouble ,I never realized that the class finished.,exclaimed Lily. They quickly ran to their cabin.we need to find the culprit.said Sarah .It’ll be boring without water sports. There are so many things which we are supposed to learn. Yes that’s true. We should plot something to catch who is doing, Lily,this is no legend we are talking about. This is a person who is spoiling a camp with fun water sports. well this plan won’t be anywhere but near water bodies and anytime but in the night.said Millie. OK what should we do? asked Lily. well you could sneak in behind one of those Flaps that are there and a few walls.thought Casey.Good,then? See all four of us will go over there and observe if anyone comes for a 15 minutes if somebody comes with something and drops something then one of us could sneak away and call the police while the rest of us will hold him or,like make him do something so that the police come and take him away. Let’s try it !said Sara. let’s write our second poem first.said Casey.Let’s write a poem about water bodies! Sarah suggested.That would be fun in all this trouble and anxiety! said Lily. They put their idea’s together and made a short poem:
Lovely water,flowing water,
We can’t survive without you.
You cherish a bunch of animals,
And give us pure water to drink.
But there’s only little of you,
Pure like water,pure like water,
And salty ones amore.
We can’t survive without you,
Lovely water,flowing water.
It was great,according to their hearts.Ring ring ring!Oh, now is karate class. Come on,let’s practice a few punches. said Millie to Sara when they went for karate class. Extra ninja skills to our plan!said Casey.After that they came to the cabin feeling very tired.They did so much stretching that Casey actually thought she sprained her leg.Oh Casey,you really thought you sprain your leg? Well,you didn’t,when Sarah checked whether she sprained it or not. Now,the first thing we need to discuss is who will call the police? I will! Lily answered.because I am good at sneaking around.I can! said Millie.I am good at taking the telephone without noise. No no,not me!said Casey. I don’t think I could do it.I would rather watch.Ok then,Lily’s decided.said Sarah.Now me,Millie and Casey will watch.We have to take a duffel bag where we will keep some evidence if we can,notebook,pencil and a mobile phone so that th
e caller can hide somewhere and call the police.But what if he’s doing it for a reason?Hmmmm...You know what?maybe we should just spy,no calling. Because probably he’s innocent. Today we should spy,tomorrow we should call in case he is the culprit. No, this is all wrong!if we spying today and call tomorrow!!No,you don’t need to.All you need to do is just inform the captain. True,but are you sure he’ll believe us?Of course,This is bad! There are piranhas in there.People could be killed or injured. We need to solve the problem and save the day. I have an idea!said Casey.We can all spy and see what he’s doing and in case he is there,then we will take a phone and take pictures of him.that’ll be one nice evidence.So,after that if he’s doing something bad then you can tell the captain tomorrow or something and if he is doing something good we will keep the photo and investigate more.Great idea! said Millie.But what materials will we take?added Sarah.We could take one notebook and pencil for evidence.And some sandwiches just in case we are hungry.And obviously a phone. We will go today that night when everyone is asleep said Sara and Millie.Lily and Casey agreed and waited for midnight to come. Hours past and slowly three of them fell asleep.Only Sarah was awake,waiting,waiting...........Wake up wake up!said Sara.Come on it’s time!! The man is outside already. They woke up instantly at her words. They quickly changed and dressed and went outside and hid behind some flaps.Oh no
!look.said Casey,whispering.The man was taking the basket and putting fish inside.I shall end this Summer Camp forever!!I’m going to cry over all the terrorists dying in the lake,of all the British dying in this dreadful town?No,I shall repay them with this fish killing all of the habitants in this town!ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!said the man with an evil smile on his face.Yikes,thats harsh,said Lily.Take a photo,quick!said Sarah.In the right time, they clicked the photo and sorrowfully watched the man pouring water in the swimming pools and lakes. Let’s get out of here!! said Casey and Lily,and report it tomorrow. Mission accomplished!!said Millie. they headed back to camp and slept peacefully hoping the culprit will be caught. The next day when they woke up,everyone was running here and there. No classes were taken that day Millie,Sarah,Lily and Casey were confused and horrified.They took some stuff and quickly hid behind the cabins.What should we do?whispered Lily, Millie and Casey to Sarah.she said,we should go to our homes by a nearby bus if possible.That’s impossible!!said Lily.We should go into hiding.said Millie.Then we will not be able to show the photo to the captain or headmistress.I have an idea!!whispered Sarah.we should visit the police station and show the photo describing about him .Yes,I thought he is mad In the first place,he was acting like a maniac,he should be taken into custody.said Lily. Just then the man saw them.they quickly ran but Casey got caught,with the three’s help they ran off without looking back the man ordered his soldiers to Chase them but the headmistress stopped them.Go my child,go!! said the headmistress.So they set off on their journey.Sara searched the nearby police station on her phone and the four walked to that place. Soon they were very hungry and they found a small café on the way.They bought a few drinks and left sipping them happily. Let’s write a poem about drinks!said Millie.Great idea!!said Sarah.Good thing I did not forget about that.....wait, I think I forgot to get a pencil,let me check......Aha!I have found it,let’s write! They took their time while walking to think about a small poem.They wrote it down and were self-satisfied with it:
While we. are really hungry,
We think of a drink,
We rush to a nearby café,
And buy lovely,caramel coffee.
We together buy a pastry,
And our hunger is fulfilled,
We walk along the path with happy faces,
Thinking about the tasty things,
We eat at that Lovely place,
We love you,mighty drinks,
Sometimes I wonder what makes
you so tasty.
It was full of their imagination. And by then they already reached the police station. They told them about the war in the summer camp and showed her the photo of a man putting piranhas in the swimming pool and shouting rude things.The police went to the address for some investigation and probably put the man and his army into custody.The police reached the camp and saw the Camp with people stealing and looting things that the children had left behind after evacuating.The police arrested them and and told Millie Lily Sarah and Casey: you people are very smart and brave,by the way where do you get that photo? Let’s just say,said the four: we just got it from somewhere,it’s a secret. Just then millions of people came out with cameras and Mic’s and asked them a few questions.Soon they were already in the news and and that time Millie and Sarah’s father was watching the TV. He and his wife immediately made a decision to collect their daughters. OMG!! dad,here you are!! exclaimed Millie and Sarah when they saw the Car rushing to them. Hello kids! said they’re mom and dad. We are here to collect Millie and Sarah, you must be their friends.Yes me and Lily are their friends. Well you must call your parents to pick you up. No no first let’s go to your place then my parents with pick us up from there. yes that’s a good idea. So off the went down the road going back home with the four shouting:This was a lovely Campsite for summer!!