

Absaloute Knowledge
Chapter 1: Flies Buzzing

The night shade went into a state of proceeding to distance itself from all morality, as the sun came out in the morning, the morning of the first murder! It was Friday 3rd October 1911 in a small remote village known as Soiting which remained an inconsistent place when it came to almost any feelings of at least continious positivity. Everyone there all felt the same way, lonely and trapped for it was situated where a very infamous event had took place ten years previous in 1891. There was a house that people called "house of all negative emotions" that was home to a rather rich old lady named Maggie and she used to unknowingly go around the village trying to set fire to various farm animals nearby for she had pure hatred for the farmer. She was always denied any evidence that she committed this act of unwisdom and dramatic upheaval and was both peculiarly and curiously let go by the officers to continue her life as the selfish human being she was. One day this house caught fire and she burnt in the house along with it's terrifyingly frightening flames. One person who witnessed the fire though had stated that when he saw the fire burning down "I had seen the old lady's face in one of the top windows of the highest room and she waved at me while smiling." This disturbed some people while other people were in upmost disgust wondering if he was making it a hoax and more terrifying being ok with that. Everyone knew she was selfish but still to make a joke about an old person's death was deemed and seemed to be one that avoided any allowance and permission from other people's sensitivity. Recently the village had noticed ever since the fire that there seemed to be even more flies than had been before ever in any time. It was known that the old lady used to swat flies and called them "dirty old beetle brats". The flies continued buzzing and as they continued buzzing, the villagers kept calling out to each other "We all know what that old lady would of done with these. Or imagine her reaction if she couldn't do anything?!"