


We couldn't find happiness in your life might be that not so easy for us or could we are lieing to our self by pretending is everything alright .Is that so simple or complicated to us . I thought so that difficult for us .but we have to face the truth with all pain and sorrow. It is important for us to be in pain all time we can't find happiness both are equally play major perspective in our life.
That love we are seeking throughout the life but some people got their love of life or some one suffering from that love . It could not be easy to pretending everything so perfectly but we do . Everyone somewhere or stage in their life has been passing through this emotional trauma. Some one don't get so easily over it but they try hard but we forget however and move on.
In your life we meet many people and create good memories . Someone stay with us or rest of them just leave our life even not saying a goodbye. We make them our priority and they gave us the pain that we can't tolerate. We try our best to forget that person and we should give chance to yourself that to became more stronger .
But who knows what next will happen to us. Expectations kill us from inside wish I couldn't expect anything. What everytime we fought for us for that love from that person who stood up and never want to come again . With all his or her memories has been lefted with us the pain with the past till now couldn't move out from our head .still hoping for nothing , still finding to hold . Wish I could forget or erase my memories.
What about the little girl that she finding happiness in her world with no friends but she knew how ever she got her friends in her toys . But she don't know till now we're she is that her favourite doll.
That step sister whom she called her sister but little girl got she thought might be they will be forever but that sister didn't accept her always abandoned her treated that she is some kind of unknown stranger .
Till now no acceptances Got from her.
What about her friends that they always behind her back but some how time change and might be people do . I think that they are always loved me and have cared for me but however unexpected things are started then the realtion got faded away from all this year . Just they are friends not a bestie at all.
The emotional segment till goes because it part of our life whom so ever will come we will attached got hurt feel the pain and will be held in emotional trauma .but there is hope some day it will not affect that much to yourself might be we could find the happiness .