

Stacy went out with her daughter to lunch. Stacey was a secretary at a small firm. She had worked there for almost twenty years. She was 54 years old. Her husband died ten years ago. She never remarried. She did not even date. She focused on her work and her family. she was left with four kids. A son and three daughters. Between her job and savings, she did fins financially. Her husband made sure she would be cared for if he died prematurely.
She kept to herself. She was a hard worker. She loved her family. Her kids adore her. she was beloved by all who knew her. She had a good reputation.
Her daughter Julie was in her twenties. She had gotten married a year ago. She just find out she was pregnant. Stacy was excited that she was about to be a grandma. she loved kids and was thrilled by the news. Julie was a great daughter. She was convinced that she would be a great mom. Julie and she were super close. They always had been.
It was their tradition to meet up once a week for coffee and breakfasts. Stacy always looked forward to it. They get caught up in their life and gossip. With the pregnancy, Julie now had switched to orange juice instead of coffee. Stacy had. Bacon, eggs, and toast. She has eggs and sausage. They were known by the staff as regulars.
They were having a good time at breakfast. They were having a good conversation. the food was really good. They liked the atmosphere. The staff was friendly and good at what they did.

Stacy was halfway through her cover when the food arrived. The food was fresh. The waitress put the dishes down on the table. She said, "enjoy". They thanked her and she walked away. They started to eat. They were enjoying their meal. They had no indication anything out of the ordinary was about to occur.
The door opened, and two officers entered the building. It was a little odd to see two uniformed officers in the building but not too odd. Officers did come in for breakfast. They came to their table.
"Stacy ridgeway?" the first officer asked. Stacy had no idea what was going on. She had never really had dealings with law enforcement in her life. Julie had no idea what was going on. She was concerned for her mom. She had no idea what was about to happen.

"yes I am Stacy" she answered. Her heart pounded. She was nervous. She tried to hide her fear. She did not want to show apprehension to the local constabularies. She did not want to put Julie through more stress than she had to.
"you are under arrest for fraud and embezzlement. "the officer said. Stacy was shocked. She was instructed to stand up. she complied. " There must be some mistake. My mom is a kind and decent person. "Julie said. "it's ok Jules. We will figure this out. We will work this out. "Stacy assured her daughter.
She got up. She was told to put her hands behind her back. She complied. The second officer slapped the cuffs on her. The first officer read her Miranda rights. She was placed into the cop car.
Julie had no idea what was going on. Her mom was a woman of integrity. She could not hurt a fly. She was kind. She never had so much as a speeding ticket. She believed in the rule of law. Julie believed that her mom was innocent. If she had done something wrong, she was influenced by someone most likely her employers or bosses. She did not do this on her own. That Julie was convinced of.
Stacy tried to hide her fear. She tried to start strong. The officers were just doing their job. She harbored no animosity towards them. She was taken to the county jail. She was brought inside.
She was turned over to a female officer. She was taken to intake. She was incurred. She was fingerprinted. Her height, weight, and age, were recorded. "remove your shoes!" the female officer ordered. She kicked off her shoes.
She wore a black pantsuit. She wore a white blouse underneath the sports jacket. She had to put her fingers through her toes.
Officer Leah told her to take out her hair. She had it up in a bun. Officer Leah had put on gloves. She ran her hands through her hair. She looked for anything out of the ordinary.

She patted her down. She started at her neck and went down her back. She checked every part of her back. She checked every curve. She worked to her but. She checked her but. she did not like being frisked. She knew it was part of the process. Leah was just doing her job. She then checked the back of her leg.
She moved to her front. she checked the front of her. Neck to. her boobs. We checked her boobs. Her boobs have saged a bit. She was in her fifties.
She checked her stomach. She checked her legs. She then was told to remove all jewelry. She took off her watch. She wore a necklace that her kids gave her. It was a Christmas gift from all of them. She wore a bracelet. They were placed in a Manila envelope with her name on it.
She changed out of her street cloths and put on the prison uniform. She was given an is a bracelet with her jail identification number and name and date of birth. Her mugshot was taken. the mugshot was in the paper and online. It was a full-body shot. Everyone including her family would see the mugshot.
She then got a medical exam in the infirmary. She was taken to a conference room.