

Today is a new week and Rita need to go to school, "how awesome will it be if there is no school at all," that's what she always think about anytime she woke up and saw her school bag, she always curse Adam and Eve for eaten the forbidden fruit of garden of Eden, "how will the world be if they didn't ate the food, they won't be teachers beating me for getting zero over ten in my assignment," she thought as she answered her mother call.

Rita was always sad during her days in school, her education was slow and also was not encouraging, her mother was not happy to her performance, Rita regrets the day she cried to her mother to send her to school.

When Rita's father put his hands off Rita education, his believe is that a female child didn't need an education, besides he will surely get married to a man that will be taking care of her.

"If I was educated, we won't be as this poor" said Rita's mother, she tried to confuse him but he still insisted not to sponsor her to school, he only sponsored her elder brother, John to school, Rita cried to her mother to send her to school, her mother felt sad for seeing her daughter crying, then she decided to take her to a little poor school for her to managed, while she will be in charge of the school fees.

Now it is a sorrow for seeing herself in the school uniform, the school make her feel more depressed every time, she was dull, in class and ugly which make all her class hate her so much, including her teachers, Rita will go to school, sat down lonely, when the teacher come, he will abuse her of her dullard and also of her ugly face.

"You looks like a monster to me" said the teacher, while the annoying class will also started laughing and make jest of her till she cried,

"I think it is their happiness in this school for me to cry," she thought to myself with a painful heart.

All those things make her felt sad whenever she was on her school uniform, she felt like the school should end every time, there is no day she went to school without been beaten by her teacher, her teacher never use one moment to make her happy, if she was not beaten for failing in class, the teacher will beat her for being ugly and irritating him,

Anytime she call her father and explain what she is passing through in school, her father will not show the heart of pity, instead he will felt angry with them going against his will, not to let female child to go to school, he will yelled at her,

She couldn't tell her mother, or else her mother will beat her for trying to run away from school.

"I am trying my best to make you go to school, but you didn't show anyway to appreciate, but instead making me guilty of sponsoring you, you are an ingrate" her mother said very sad in the first day she told her mother.

Rita knew it was her mother that make her very dull in class, because truly, she didn't have time to study when she got back from school, her mother will load some fruits in a tray for her to hulk, Rita will hulk and come back in the evening, while she will be tried and wont be able to read her book and if she was even attending the school regularly, she might be brilliant, but there is no week she won't be sent back home from school because of failure to pay her school fees, that alone was enough for a child to be dull, the proprietor of the school was even tied of her matter, whenever she was even opportuneto go to school without been send home, the wicked teacher will not try to recap what he taught in her absent even if it is little.................................................

To be continued in the next part

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