

A Fed Up Cop
The old woman dropped her purse, spilling it's contents all over the sidewalk. He rushed ahead to help her, stopping short when he saw the gun under the purse. He seen the look in her eyes and it was almost terrifying the way she gave him an evil glare as if she meant to say get the fuck away from me. the guy was an off duty policeman so he quickly drew his gun on her and asked her what the gun was for and if she could carry it Legal. The women then pulled out her badge, she was an FBI Agent. they ended up laughing about the whole situation and He asked the women to dinner, of course finding out her name first which was Morgan Scott. His name was john curry. Later that night they met for dinner. they both had a pasta with toasted bread and appetizers. they fell in love had a family of kids and lived a long happy life together. THE END lol
© WesleyMcvay