

Gallery of Gore
The painting was yellowed with rounded edges. It was a masterpiece and it was lying in my hand. Wait, have I stolen it? I don't remember... all that comes to mind,is the image of her perfect dentition while I drove, and I, veering off track, out of sheer excitement. Maybe she was my lover,or no,my wife or probably just a friend..all that matters no more, because I can't even remember what she looks like any more. Night after night, the virtuoso artist I have been acclaimed to be, paint, till the brushes can't percolate the colours any longer, only because I have not been able to match the teeth with her face, or a face at all. A trip to the gallery would help a great deal, I suppose; a collection of photogenic model-type ladies will give me a clue, after all, they're my specs anytime. My memory must be piqued after such eye-feasting festival. Alas, I am at "the centre of recovery",it couldn't be any better. An exhibition is ongoing! I am right on time! I glance critically at each artwork, with such panache that you must just believe I'm the reincarnated Da Vinci.
That's not the only thing we have in common,at this point, I remain, while all have departed, philosophizing I guess,a few seconds till the gallery's close time. I'm yet to catch my fill. Thanks to a twist of fate, only a sloppy old security personnel in sight, about to lock up, and I don't know how this peculiar looking frame fits into my overcoat, as I board the train en route my apartment. Ouch! Too late to turn back now, well, I'm home now, and the real picture is painted for me to me.... "how did this get here?"
© Capt_Iyke Art 2020.

@Cheyan Behera
@Jason J Henry
@Moesha Thomas
@Sweta Shah
@Racquel Costa
@Rachael Ezell
Comments will be highly appreciated! Thanks!