

A Ghost is my Host!
Three years ago I left for Delhi, leaving these amazing streets of Kolkata behind. These amazing three storey houses with wide terraces! After staying for so long in a flat in Delhi, I had almost forgotten their importance. Big terraces, where you could lay your chairs with plenty of room and play your family games. The houses here are really close here. Two lovers can shyly seek glimpses at each other from their respective terraces.Oh all these how much I missed! And ofcourse! I shouldn't ever forget to mention my most memorable moments on the terraces. We were on the terrace first when we met.

A family had shifted to our neighborhood. Their apartment was opposite to ours on the other side of the lane. The lane is really narrow. Voices raised a bit and the people on opposite houses can converse. One day, I was helping my mom hang clothes in the terrace for drying. Mom aunty on the terrace and cracked a conversation. How are you, motive of coming here etc etc. Amidst their conversation aunty said in a high pitched shrill voice.

' Hey, my son, Abir has no friends here. I see you have a daughter. Son, why don't you go play with her?'
It was then I spotted him. He was sharpening his razor blade. I have developed now, but then just approaching people for a random conversation was not one of my knacks.

Though our wavering eyes met for a moment, even he didn't make any efforts to talk to me. So we ignored our parent's suggestion and got back to work. After a few days we got stuck at the same bus stop and no busses were scheduled to come. I literally was nervous then. We found we had to go together and both were in a mutual problem, so that acted like a c common topic for conversation. We never stopped ever since until last two years.
Our lives asked for our time and we became busy in providing it. I had moved to Delhi.
After reminiscing about the past, I had the sudden urge to see him again. But no. I will be going there only after I meet mom. Dad is on his school reunion, so I will be meeting him only a week later.
I breathe in the scent of Kolkata. The scent of wetness in the air. AHH, it's awesome!
I scream from the gate.
'Oh ma, ma, open the door!'
She comes to the balcony to see who is it.
'Arre, Mayna?! Wait, wait I'm opening the gate.'
After a while she comes down with a bunch of keys and opens the gate. As I look at the keys, I grin. I never could get the right key in the first time. It always had to be two or three wrong attempts and then the right one. I doubt I'll ever be able to. I hug my mom after so many days!
In the evening, we are at the table. I had a good sleep. Whatever one says, the best sleep happens on your bed in your own house.

' Mom, how are our neighbours? Abir, aunty, uncle?'
I didn't seem to notice before but then I saw mom in an all dressed up attire, hassling to find her bag.
'Where are you going?'
' You eat and go to sleep, I'll be back by tomorrow. I'm going to a get together.'
Ok. This is a surprise.
'Atleast tell me where is Abir. ' I call from behind.
'In the cemetery. He's.... no..arre I'll tell you everything when I get home. Come collect the keys from the verandah.'
'The words hit like a dagger in my heart. Is he, is he dead?! No, no, mom loved him too much to say that so casually. But she was in a hurry. What if? But then I also tend to overthink things.

My head is splitting with these kind of ill thoughts as I quietly pull the keys in, which mom tied to the rope.
I look straight to see Abir's room's curtains closed. He liked to do that when he wasn't at home. He used to say that otherwise I will steal his things. I did, but only after he said this. I wonder how long have these curtains been closed. I take a quick glimpse at their gate. It's locked from outside. No one's home.

No, I have to clear my doubt. Is he alive or is he not? I want to see him. Mom said he is in the cemetery. One might question how will a Hindu end up in a cemetery, but Abir was Christian. His predecessors were Indian Christians. They had settled in Bengal. I know it's a rare kind but it's always best to see people as a human first indiscriminately.

Cemetery might be Christian burial ground. That's the one most probably referred to. I do not waste time. I take my car keys, an umbrella, the spare key and leave. It takes me half an hour to reach the point on road due to traffic.
It's 7:20 pm when I reach there. The stars are hidden by the dense dark clouds. I go to the maintanance office to look for Abir. There are a few people but all in the verge of leaving the office.
' Excuse me, I am looking for a person named Abir. '
' Sorry madam, we shall give no information. Who knows you might kill and burry the person in this cemetery only.' A man walks out laughing.
' Do I look like a killer to you?'
The last man exiting this place says.
' No madam. That man was joking. But we just give info in serious note. Our boss has commanded us not to. And sorry ma'am, I don't know any Abir in this office. Although I did notice a name in the body register. That's all I can say.'

I am out of breath. I see the man slowly vanishing in the darkness. Now what? That means Abir, my best friend Abir, the one I danced all my Durga pooja dances with, the one who, who meant the whole world to me, is dead! I weep. But then like a cracker candle on a birthday cake doesn't blow out, a little hope is still left in me. Maybe, maybe he is still alive. Maybe, mom knew wrong, may be some one else is dead with the same name, and he had just come for that person's last rights. Maybe, this guy didn't know who he is. I'm thinking a million thoughts when I realise I am unconsciously walking in darkness. I don't know where I'm going. It has already started raining. I look for my umbrella but alas, I left it in my car! Now suddenly the street lights go off. Load shedding happened. Now I am alone in this dark night in the cemetery, helpless and weak, missing my old friend who I didn't even care to know whether he is alright or not in past three years. I sob but keep on my pace. Suddenly I kick something really hard and fall on my face on the ground. Now I wail. I can't take it any more. Guilt and remorse is taking over me. How could I not know?! How could I be so careless about my own friend? A lightning strikes in the sky with an ear drum tearing thunder following it. I lay on the ground. Suddenly, I feel an ice cold pair of hands helping me stand. It feels weird, because that ain't normal but I am not in my senses.

'Hey, Mayna ' The invisible man says. I am in eternal shock. This, this is Abir's voice! I know it, I've grown up listening to it!
'Abir, you are ,you are,...' The only sound I can make is a squeal of happiness. I want to hug hi but I restrain myself.
'I might be, might not. It's what you presume.'
' Come with me, I'll take you home.'
' My car...'
'Your car will be alright. You will find it in it's right place at the right time.
He holds an umbrella over my head with one hand and holds my hand tightly with the other. His grip is harder than ever. Even though he has been holding my hand for a while now, his hand still remains ice cold.

' How do see the way in such a horrid darkness?'I ask as he guides me through the places with probably a shed over our heads.
'That is my capability. Things like me can.'
' Things? And no it's not one of your capabilities to see through blackness. 'I say that thinking it's Abir.

Suddenly I start to feel suspicious. Also the voice he is talking in seems to be coming from behind and I think someone is following us. But then again my ears are ringing from the recurring thunder strikes. This person at my side is guiding my every step so tenderly. I wonder why is he acting so mysterious.

I start to tell him that I thought he is dead and all but he started speaking before me.
'Do you believe in ghosts?'
I stop dead. Abir was a strong disbeliever of this ghost concept. He swore that he didn't believe the whole theory unless he would see one. Is it then?
' Why do you ask?'
' Do you?'
I start to notice loopholes in my notion about my Messiah in this dark night. I recognise a more masculine side to this voice now. One that doesn't resemble Abir's. It's almost like the person changed. I use the courage left in me to speak up.

' I don't know, I guess I believe in past. One needs to have a past to have the present and the future.'
I first found this statement in Sharadindu Bondopadhyay's stories, a prolific Bengali writer he was. He got me believing in ghosts. The twist is that even after reading those books, Abir hadn't melted his disbelief. He said that each book was a fairytale and even though some instances might seem to resemble real life, the true worker is will power. Ghost is just another explanation for the unseen magic the willpower does.
' What if you saw a ghost one day?'
Oh this questionnaire so resembles the story "Andhakaarey" written by Sharadindu Bondopadhyay! But I am prepared for this one. The story had prepared me.
' It depends on what type of ghost it is.'
' Explain. '
' Well, you see, there are three type of ghosts. In fact a ghost is after all a human being's past as one or more of his wishes haven't been fulfilled. I don't know about that.'
I continue.
'But then there are evil witches, the ones who were not so kind while they were alive,let alone a transformation after death. There are ghosts for fun, who like to play harmless tricks with others, scaring them to death. O, lets not forget about ghosts who seek revenge. And then there are helpful souls, who are friendly and seek happiness in helping ones in need. Like you are helping me.'

I say the last line slightly indicating my doubt. Is it Abir, or Abir's ghost, or another helpful ghost, or is it another person? But this guy counter questions me?
' Do you think I'm a ghost ?'
'Are you?'
' Do you think?'

Uggh, whoever this is, he is an unbreakable one. I try to make him say who he is in a whole different way. His ambiguity is killing me.
' Does it make any difference? A ghost is a dead human being's soul after all. If kindness helps to establish friendship with an alive person, why can't it happen with a dead person?'
' Hmm. ' My guide says. This sounds like a more elated hmm. Like I said something good about him.
'Now I will ask a question. Will you answer?'
' Is Abir dead or alive?'
' It's what you presume him to be. Oh, by the way we have reached your destination.'

Again ambiguous! Often, Abir used to talk in third person to make it sound cool, although I never understood how that worked. I still didn't get my answer.

I feel the lock on the door. For a second I just keep staring, into still darkness. The lightning is the only source of light, and I couldn't seek a glimpse of this man so quickly. I am half ready to believe it's Abir messing with me. Any one can make a voice like that. Although nothing explains his still and ice cold hands, not getting any hotter all along. He still has one on my bare shoulder and another on the umbrella handle.

I am hampering for my keys when I hear my mysterious friend's last words. ' It's in your left pocket along with your car keys. Collect your phone from the car.'

I put my hand in the left pocket and find them there. I click my car keys and the head lights click on. Yes! I look to my side. There is no one! It's like the person has dissolved into the mist. The hand that was the only contact between us, I can't feel it any more. Or so was it a real hand?
Wait, car? How did my car get here? Oh my god, this is really spooky!
I gather all my courage and say my final words to this man. ' Look, I don't know if you are listening, but it was really nice meeting you. Keep coming like this. It will be nice to have a friend now that Abir.... Anyways thank you so much. '

With that I get into my warm shelter. After changing into dry clothes and I'm on my bed, I wince at all that happened. But I am tired, safe and warm in here. I close my eyes and then I'm immediately asleep.

Next morning, after a good night's sleep, I wake up to mom ringing the bell. It's 10 o' clock. I rush down with the bunch of keys. First try, second try, at the third try, as an unbreakable record I open the door. I just wonder, my only right decision last night was to take my spare key, instead of the whole bunch.

Then I recall the whole incident. From when I saw the front gate of my favourite neighbour's house locked to the final invitation to presumably Abir's ghost.

I have been tensed all morning. In the evening, mom finally asks.
'What's going on with you? You aren't behaving normal at all. What's worrying you so much?'
I finally speak up. 'Mom, why didn't you tell me Abir's dead?'
' I met Abir's ghost yesterday.'
' What rubbish are you speaking? Never say so inauspicious things! Why should Abir die?'
Wait, what?
' You are the one who told me Abir is no more and he is burried in the cemetery!'
' No, I never said that. I said Abir, and then I was guessing the right key to open the door. I meant Abir has joined as a novice at the cemetery. I was in a hurry, I only remember mentioning cemetery.!'
Oh my god!
' Where is Abir right now?'

' He is in his room. Aunty is just complaining how she has to wait for him to open up his door now that he is an adult. See, she even posted a picture of his reaction on pakodas made for him.'

She shows me her chat with aunty.
I desperately run from my place to Abir's. Aunty and uncle say hi but I just give them a quick nod and storm upstairs and open the door.

There he sits, on his chair, thoroughly judging my face. Then he breaks into fits of laughter.
I stride into the room with motif of wrestling him. As I make my first move, he catches me and we both topple on to the ground. He is still laughing.

I remove my hand which had subconsciously gone behind his head to prevent him from getting hurt. We are still on the ground. I hide my face in his shirt.

Oh, what a relief, I can see him! He is real! Abir is alive! I am in his arms! I slowly breathe his scent, oh my, I am so.....! I don't move. Abir doesn't make any efforts to remove me from above him either. He hugs me close to his hurt. I am glad he is receptive because at this moment nothing else would soothe me any better.

After a good few minutes I look up to his face, small bits of laughter still tugs at the end of his lips.
' Well played!' I say. He grins and nods.
I am still on top of him, but I don't care. If it hurts, he deserves it.
' Care to explain how did you manage all of this?'
' Well, let's just say, it took two, to scare you.'
' What?'
' I drove your car here with some help from a friend. The roads were flooded. It would not be safe alone. My friend lead me through a less flooded passage.
' Then, who walked me home?!'
' My another friend.'

I get up stumbling, registering what he just said, when two ice cold hands stable me. The same hands I felt last night. I scour into complete emptiness all around. Abir is still on the ground, grinning!