

Love : Real or Myth
Feminine or Masculine or Divine ?

Go watch any Documentary or Movie about Human Evolution or Human Civilization or Evolution of Human, Read any Regional or Science Book about Human evolution and You will find and observe only Discrimination/Categorization & Criticism No Records of Love only few movies related to Love are available to watch or read like Laila Majnu/Heer Ranjha/Romeo Juliet only few of them but in all of these if you observe without losing your concentration you will notice the criticism and discrimination more than Love you will find Pain in it, So why we call it Love story when people around them murder them or force them to choose death instead of living together they preferred to die together or just chase them till they die instead of spending the life with Love They ran to their death so what is Love?

Love, the pure shape of emotions and Feelings, we evolved not because of just struggle and will to survive it was Love for each other which given us strength to push forward and now we are all here in this modern age of technologies along with traces of Love we carried tons of hatred in the form of discrimination and criticism we are all to blame we divide everything in a category suitable to us profitable to us just for our fake comfort and status we divide us in...