

#Deaths #Murders, #Famous #creepypasta #crimes #deaths, #killersstabbings #creepypastastory

While Liu bathed, he remembered every moment spent with his family, Mom, Dad, his childhood with Jeff, the pranks they did, everything they had done together, the joy of having his family around, he then began to mourn, but the sound of falling water drowned his sobs, so it did not matter. The first night was somewhat traumatic for Liu. In his nightmares he could see Jeff as it was before the accident, before being brutally murdered by the new Jeff, then he turned to look at Liu and said "Liu, why did you not go to sleep like I asked you?" Liu then woke up with a terrible fright Susan ran to his room, she said, "What happened Liu? Are you okay? "Liu replied" Yes ... it was just a nightmare, do not worry. "
The next day, upon awakening, Liu smelt a scent that he has long not enjoyed, it was the smell of hot-cakes freshly made, he went to the dining room and there was Susan, preparing breakfast, as Mom did, she said good morning go Liu , They sat down and started eating, how long had it been since he did not eaten hot-cakes made with love ?, he didn’t know, but the taste ... it was so nice, he felt loved again, but happiness does not last long, Liu was going crazy, every passing day, Susan reminded him more of his Mom, so he took a kitchen knife, and ran to her room, she was ready to go out with him on a date, she looked so beautiful, he was not able to kill her, not with knowing how much he loved her, not with having feeling love for the last time in his life ... he loved her, but he was getting crazier every day, every time it cost him more to restrain from sticking a knife in her heart, He did not want to kill her, but had no choice, or so he thought.
Already leaving the theater, they walked home, he said "I love you Susan, but there's something inside me that I ... it’s killing me and I do not know if I can take it anymore, I want you to know that I love you. "After the phrase, A man came out of an alley and took the bag Susan had but not without wounding her, Liu was angry, he wanted to kill him for hurting Susan, he chased him with the knife he had saved in his jacket pocket, he dragged him into the alley where he stole the bag from his beloved Susan, Liu made the man kneel in front of her and made him apologize, Liu wanted to take his life, but before he did he turned to Susan and said "Run, I do not want you to see this, I love you Susan, and you do not want to see this." Susan ran as far as she could, when he knew it was okay and Susan was gone, he told the guy " I cannot forgive you for hurting Susan, she is good, so pure, hurting someone like her is a very serious crime, so then, I'll take your life, and only then you will pay for hurting her. "
Liu Raised his knife and started stabbing the man repeatedly, he could only see suffering in the eyes of the man, but still kept stabbing him until he died of multiple stab wounds, Liu wiped the blood off on his leather jacket, which was a bit stained, luckily only had some spots, so it was easy to hide the fact that he had cornered the thief, he left the alley and met Susan in the corner cafe sipping espresso.
Susan was fine, the manager had bandaged her wound, Liu thanked him, Liu carried Susan home carefully, he took her to her room and layed her down on the bed, he said "Susan, I did not want this to happen to you, so for now on, I will not let anyone hurt you, starting today, you'll never be afraid, nobody will hurt, I swear. " Liu kissed her and went to take a shower, he realized he could not kill her, she was all he had in this world, she was the only person he loved, but he enjoyed killing that guy, but he could not kill anyone while he was with Susan, Liu decided to just kill people that hurt the innocent and people who did evil to people that he minded, and above all, he would kill anyone who tried to hurt Susan.