

Years Till AI Computers Set Right
What is this you have I have a book
an it has info about you and yours
yeah so. Yeah so why do you want me
to read it because it's the only way
I can get of out it so you the true owner
Will know how to help the people in it
I want to set things right. I almost past
twice so I don't want these secrets to
pass with me here's 300.00 dollars
your money to read and keep the story's
alive and you will make a wonderful
stories treasurer.So So what do you
say, I say ok can I have the money
ok deal , oh deal but he was not truth
full with the person who gave him
that book or money. he only wanted
money's but the book was alive and
it knew his sad intentions an the book
opened and hunters of gold came out
and turn the pages and read the stories
While it seemed the situations which were in this book was at him and he
ran but it chased him all the way to
page 81 before he finally saw that it
was the book an he thought I never
should have left it. And he heard a
laugh but he looked around the only
thing he heard was this book so he
yells help oh goodness no. And the
book flips over and opens and a killer
jumps out ready to get him. The kill
informs him this is your fate no one
else s your can't trade your falseness
for that and the book opened and picked
him up off the ground and it stopped there. But the book flew itself to another
in law who opened the door and did what the book asked so the pages didn't come at her and for 40000,00000 year
the world was good then the book was
opened and then the pandemic and
social distancing. Then the books owner
passed and a new owner was about to
be picked it was a robot an AI
which would read the past and handle
the present so the book would not
think it was alone. When it knew very
well a computer was all that was around
to lead the book. Then The AI sold
the book to a play write then it happens
The story's are preformed for people
and computer s and the book is now
on display for all not hurting anyone
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