

Unforgettable Love pt. 1
The small family was having dinner.
Maanvi was quiet scared of taking a
decision of start working again. Her so-called mother in law disapproves of the girls or women, working, after marriage even in today's generation. But, Maanvi had high hopes that Naitik will somehow convince her. After all he's the apple eye & only child of his parents.

Naitik— Mom?
His mom— Yes?
Naitik— I was telling you that Maanvi wants to work!
His mom— Before marriage, this was not the case. So, now why?
Naitik— Mom! She studied for so long and how could she waste it?
His mom— I don't think so that there is any need!
Naitik— She stays free all the time and plus, she get bored. If she starts to work it will be a change for her.
His mom—So? She want a change in her life?
Naitik nodded.
His mom— Why don't you both get new steps of life?
Naitik—As in?
His mom— In my days, I got a
change when you came Naitik.
Naitik— Mom! Not again! See, we will give you a grand child when we are ready for it!
His mom— Naitik, we got you married because we see you are ready to get a
Naitik was looking at Maanvi who was quiet since the overall discussion. And he know, this get-new-family or
baby-is-a-change talks always annoyed her. Naitik shot her a look as in convincing her.
Naitik— Mom. Please. Let her work! You know she will get a change.
His mom— Okay. In one condition!
Naitik— What?
His mom— If you will promise me to get a family soon.

Maanvi's eyes widened up. The
conversation was not going to the right way & she literally want to stand and leave the room as soon as possible. But if she does so, the hard work of Naitik will go a waste. She shook her head to Naitik.
Naitik— Okay! Mom! We'll try.

Maanvi got up and left. Naitik followed her.
To be continued..
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