

My vampire(S1) Ep10:
Lily went out of the palace and she is sad:"Why Chris hate me?did he loves
her more than me?" Lily shoked:D..
dad!? What are you doing here? Dad:
Lily, did he won't married you? lily:y..
yes..Dad:so..you will see Chris..
lily:all the plans we have faild..dad: don't be sad..it turn into a stiky substance black and entred in the veins of the lily..lily:dad! no!..dad:let's
kill this human..lily:okay..sara:really?
Zen:Yes, I heard their conversation..
sara:Zen, we have to protect Ellie and Chris..I didn't know my dad want to do that..he is monster..Zen:despite this
stop smoking..Sara:I smoke for forget
everything was happend between me
and my ex-boyfriend..Zen:but..why didn't give him a chance? sara: I saw
him kissing a girl..Zen:oh..you're right..
Chris:Ellie? What are you doing? Ellie:
I made a pie for you and sara and Zen.
Chris smiling:Ellie..Thank you..
Ellie shoked:"he..is hug me!" Chris whisper: You are a good girl..Ellie shy:Ah..Thank you..sara:Thank you
Ellie for this pie..Ellie:hhhhh..zen:you have a good girl..Chris!! sara hit Zen
became aa tiny spoon on his haed..
Ellie:hhuh..Sara😡:stop that..Zen😅:huhh okay..sorry.
●to be countinng in Ep11●