

"It's a girl! "
The doctor gushed, placing the wailing infant on the woman's chest.
She heaved trying to catch her breath in the aftermath of her gruelling labour. Tears of pain mingled briefly with tears of joy before dissolving into tears of sadness.
She had once again given birth to a girl! Her third daughter. What would her husband and in-laws do to her now?...

They decided to name they're baby girl Elizabeth. Elizabeth Loral McBride. She was such a beautiful big Green eye Baby and had a little head of curly hair right at birth.

15 years later*

"Mom where is that blue dress, you know the one you got me for birthday, the only dress you have EVER picked out for me that i liked, in this case actually love." Elizabeth asked

"Its in the washer sweety. WHY, Do you have a date young lady??" Marie Asked.

"Not a date, but if i could maybe get a certain somebody to notice me that would be fine." Elizabeth said with a smile on her face as she turned red as a tamatoe.

"I got to get to work sweetie but when i get home i need ALL OF THE DETAILS young Lady."

© WesleyMcvay