

dealing with my dreams and my sister Toyanne
I had always thought that my parents were always going to protect me but I was wrong they never did this is why my relationships with men never last for very long in the dreams that I have are me and my husband have a good marriage going and I don't talk to my family for years and then all of the sudden my dad calls me and ask if we could come and see him and my mom Not knowing what is about to happen to our relationship and while I'm having these dreams I wake up screaming and crying telling myself that it's just a dream but it more than just a dream it's a nightmare for me and can never be happy just recently my older sister Toyanne has been causing me nothing but problems of course she has always to find a way to make sure that we I end up alone but get's me is that she thinks that every man wants to be with her and I should be alone I will never forget one time my mom had her choke me out because of the fact I was dating a drop dead gorgeous a major hottie with a body and he didn't want to have anything to do with her so she told my mom and the next thing I know is that she's choking me out and then my boyfriend dumps me for her this time she will never know that I'm in a relationship with someone who really cares about me and wants to be with me it really bothered me to know that I was nothing but a person who they could treat like a peace of shit and why my family were allowed to be happy and I wasn't it made me wonder if things we different and I didn't had to go through what I had went through but it ended up with me never having a chance to have hardly any friends or go to parties or concerts or go shopping or hang out and be a normal teenager

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