

The Knight of the West Episode Six Zielo
Kradel agrees to deal with Zielo, the night before hunting Zielo King Zaac prepares a banquet for Kradel and his knights, great food, wine, and of course women. The first thing the next day Kradel and his knights together with Princess Ziria, Sir Nathan, and some imperial guards marched to Kruc mountain where Zielo's hideout is. After a day of traveling the group arrives at the site. You all stay here don't come near the entrance or near the cave, Kradel warns the group. Then Kradel started walking inside the cave with him is his two swords, some food, and a container, while outside the group started building a tent for them to rest. Inside the cave after walking for a while Kradel hears some noise he dress his sword, he saw the shadow of the Green Sage Dragon, he rushes towards the direction of the dragon, his first blow was anticipated by the dragon and she flips her wings that send Kradel to the ground. Kradel stands up again slashes on the heart of the dragon but the dragon knows Kradel's target. Outside the cave, Kradel's companion hears every sound Kradel and the dragon are creating inside. After almost a day of fighting and the dragon seems to show fatigue and tiredness Kradel slashes the amazon's sword on the dragon's heart while the other sword is planted at the head of the dragon, with her last strength the dragon lays an egg, in her eyes, she seems to ask for Kradel mercy for her egg, Shocked Kradel said don't worry I will take care of your egg, upon hearing that the dragon closes her eyes. After resting Kradel digs a deep hole and he directed the blood flowing from the dragon's wound to the hole the goes down to the hole to bathe himself with the dragon's blood. The ancient belief is that if you bathe with Dragons Blood Sage will cleanse, heal and protect and the energy in your space. Then he keeps the dragon's egg out of reach of the people who will later visit or rob the cave. After doing that he drags the Green dragon out of the cave, full of Dragon's blood, and dragging the dragon when his companion saw him they jump and dance for joy, the Green Dragon is dead.

© alexander