

Chapter-3 we will do this together
Chapter-3 we will do this together!
Lav felt very annoyed about morning and she really missed her best freinds specially jade she hasn't seen her all day. So she finally decided to make it upto her in the next class ,
She enters the history class and she spots jade and alex sitting together she felt left out so she went to dru's seat sat with him for the lecture , she was still thinking about it till the bell rang after that she approached to jade and said

Lav:hey jade I am very sorry and I mean it...

Jade: *ignores her*

Lav: jady your like my best freinds since we were like 7

Jade: yeah and you don't seem care about it
Lav: Jade I am very very sorry I dint mean to make you left out or sad, I just wanted give dru some company

Jade: apology accepted

Lav:bestie hug!!! Un in?

Jade: yeah I'm in *chuckles*

Lav: Where's alex

Jade:he might be by his locker
Lav: thanks!

Alex: *standing by his locker*

Lav:Alex hey I am so freaking sorry I dint mean to make you left out

Alex:apology accepted

Lav:yay... wait is that a photo of Jade in your locker?....

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