

The burned down house🏚
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic so I had to take the easiest route available even though it was through a forest.. 🍃🌴🌿

Once I took the route there was no turning back.. it was a lonely and isolated forest and I felt so creepy.. And all of a sudden out of no where popped up a figure of a person 👨‍🦳and I held my brakes at once..

"where are you heading to? " I asked from the stranger

"To the last house at the end of this jungle" said the stranger.

I helped the stranger willingly by offering a ride. but I had a creepy feeling around this stranger.. He didn't speak at all and it was an hour drive.. finally when we showed up at the house of the stranger it was all burned down.. 🏚

And what came next was a surprise to me because the stranger wasn't at the back of the car but he was at the house front.. And I noticed that there wasn't any other there.. All of a sudden the stranger disappeared..

I drove away fast and saw a lady along the way and I asked about the house I just visited.. she said that it was an old burnt down house 50 years ago and the father of the house was a murderer and he killed 🔪his entire family and burnt the house down. 😱😳😰