

Imagination Has No Boundaries - Part IV
‘Why did the alien tell you those horrible things?’ I didn’t want to bring up that issue, but the silence was tiring me. We were going to Barcelona and hadn’t spoken since we left London.
‘It was a school partner who bullied me. She was one of the most popular girls in high school. I hate her. She made my life impossible.’ Lucy raised her tone and was almost shouting. We went to different high schools, and I didn’t know she had to go through that hell.
‘I’m so sorry. I wasn’t aware of that.’
‘Don’t worry. It’s in the past. I didn’t give a shit about what she thought.’ Lucy showed confidence, the same confidence that I noticed at the palace.
‘You fought really well. And it’s impressive how you healed so fast!’ The wound she received vanished after she made a spell.
‘We’ll be arriving soon to Barcelona. Get ready!!!’ Lucy had her spirits high, but forgot that I didn’t know how to use a gun.

Shortly after, we arrived at a stone fortress with an enormous tower. The fortress was located on a cliff, which had an impressive view of the city. We could observe La Sagrada Familia, la Barceloneta, and other landmarks. No one was guarding the fortress, and we entered without confronting any guard like we did in Versailles.
We searched all over the fortress: we searched on the roof, the terrace, the underground, the main floor. We didn’t find the diary and didn’t encounter any foe. There was something strange…
‘The diary must be well hidden. Aaa… I have an idea.’ Lucy closed her eyes, sat down, and said something. I kept looking while she was focused on her spell. Seconds later, she opened her eyes and stood up.
‘It is not here. I would have sensed it, but it is strange. The eye said that it was here.’ While we were thinking about the next steps to take, the earth started to shake. A big figure made of rock along with rock soldiers appeared at the entrance. It was holding a diary, the same I had given Lucy.
‘He has the diary!!!’ Lucy pointed at the Big Rock Figure’s hand.
‘Rockheart has your diary. You want it? Come and take it!’ Lucy shot a spell, but the golem didn’t feel it. It was like throwing a feather. Its soldiers avalanched against us, and I hid beneath a door and started shooting.
‘You have a pretty imaginative mind, but reality is harsh. You won’t get anywhere if you keep living on the Moon.’ Lucy started shooting multiple magic missiles at the Rockheart but didn’t cause any damage.
‘Lucy, I don’t know how much I can keep with these guys.’ I told her while I punched one of those soldiers using a laser mace.
‘You won’t get anywhere in life if you keep loafing. You have to work hard and stop lazing around.’ Rockheart kept talking, and Lucy surrounded it, trying to find its blind spot. The rock figure was huge (each time it gave a step, the ground shook), and my friend couldn’t damage it with her magic.
‘Lucy, try to recover your diary ASAP. I can’t hold it anymore?’ The soldiers were cornering me, and I was out of ideas. A step backward, and I would fall from a high distance.
‘A sorceress? You have to be a successful lawyer, CEO, or doctor. This is not a fairy tale.’ Lucy hit the ground with her wand, and the enemies slowed down as if they were in slow motion. She took the chance, jumped to Rockheart's hand, and picked up the diary. I pushed the enemies away and met her. We finally did it!!! Or that was what we thought.
The diary vanished in front of our eyes. ‘You thought that I had the REAL diary. I’m not a fool.’ Rockheart said, and I couldn’t feel any part of my body. Lucy was also paralyzed, and the soldiers slowly approached us…

© Jero Gandini