

Time is absolute.
The seconds, minutes, hours and days.
The measure of time is absolute.
But the activities spent within are relative.

Time runs slow.
When we wait.
Time runs fast
When we are in haste.

Time is slow
When we are idle
Time is fast
When we are occupied.

We measure time not in seconds or minutes
But of the progress of growth.
We say time is fast
When we see a child grow in a big picture
From babe to youth-youth to adult.
We say time is slow
When we observe them from a closer look.

A student will say,
4 years is long.
But at the 4th year..
He says, it seems yesterday; I was a student.

Time is slow in relationships.
The struggles withing and investments deposited.
A month is short for relationship.
Yet 10 years seems far.
The future seems long,
And waiting makes times slow.