

My Lust For Love Since Childhood 4:Dream Chasers
This is the 4th continuation of the story "My Lust For Love Since Childhood".Make sure to read the first 3 parts to get a better understanding about the story

Now that Webster knew that this was the chance he had been waiting for,he did all he could to get the opportunity to be chosen as a candidate to represent the school. The teachers attended a school meeting to select the candidates as shown below

Headmaster: Hello all teachers,you are all welcomed to this wonderful....
All teachers: Meeting!!
Headmaster: As you know, we're mainly here to choose the candidates to represent our school in the National School's Quiz
All teachers: Yes we know!!
Headmaster: So then,bring forth your suggestions, creditable ones I mean..
1st Teacher: I think we should take Webster and Mia...
2nd Teacher: Webster reduced in position from 1st to 7th last term and you still want us to choose him!?
3rd Teacher: This term he made remarkable progress
2nd Teacher: Which is?
3rd Teacher: He regained his 1st position
2nd Teacher: How possible? He came back to school only one week before we started the exams,maybe he cheated
3rd Teacher: Webster isn't the type to cheat in examination
1st Teacher:Yes,it's really incredible how he regained his position
3rd Teacher: He really got Mia this term because she also did very well
Headmaster: Very well,so is it Webster and Mia?
1st Teacher: I think so,but it seems like they aren't in good terms
3rd Teacher: Yes,they aren't like how they were,nowadays....
2nd Teacher:(😱 seems surprised)
Isn't webster the first person Mia took as her friend when she was new in the school?
1st Teacher: Its not the person that calls police that wins the case first🤨
2nd Teacher:So if they aren't in good condition then their co-operation will be low,which well lead to ineffective team work!
Headmaster: We must do something to make them be good friends again
1st Teacher: I suggest that because of the National School's Quiz, we must let them stay in our boarding house for some days before the Quiz comes up, in that way they'll live together and probably find a way to get back as good friends again, what do you think huh?
2nd Teacher: I agree with him
3rd Teacher: I also agree
Headmaster: Well then, it is settled, inform the students and let them prepare, we'll call a meeting with their parents to see if they also aggre
All teachers: Understood!!
Headmaster: You can all go now.

After the teacher's meeting the Headmaster called a private meeting with Webster's Mother and Mia's mother
They both understood and readied their items and sent them off to where they were supposed to stay

Webster arrived before Mia because he didn't pack many stuff so he unloaded it and went inside. The bed they were supposed to sleep on was a double bed( one on top and one below), Webster immediately took the one on top because he thought that everytime Mia was to descend, she would always worry her so he took the top bed.

Around 5:30 getting to the late evening
Mia reached the place and unloaded her stuff outside. She waited a while because she thought that Webster would help her send her things inside but he was listening to music in the room. When she brought the stuff in the room, she intentionally made a loud sigh to draw Webster's attention but he was resting and listening to music so he couldn't hear her. Mia the stood on a chair and removed Webster's headset from her ears but he pretended to be asleep, Mia looked at him and said "Lucky you're asleep, I would have strangled you" then she immediately put the headset back on his ears. Then Webster said "I'm not a fowl to be strangled, can you lower your voice a little, I'm trying to get a sleep". Mia got shocked and immediately laid on her bed thinking that Webster would get down but as usual he didn't.
After some minutes, Mia sat on her bed and told Webster to come down
Mia: Webster, why don't you come down here and let's learn...
Webster: I don't feel like it, and I have no business to do down there.
Mia: But the main reason why they brought us here was to learn and....
Webster: And what? You know don't tell me, I don't want to listen
Mia: Oh, so you think that they brought us in this damn place just to sleep on this bed listening to music quiet like that?
Webster: Just cut it Mia
Mia: Pls get down here Webs
Webster: Don't call me that

Webster got down but still had the headset on his ears so Mia had to remove it and put it down for them to learn, she looked afraid but had to do it because Webster wouldn't listen
They learnt for about 30 minutes and Webster got tired to the extent that he was dozing off and slept on Mia's shoulders
When Mia noticed that, she quickly stretched to look at Webster's face and noticed that he was asleep. At that moment she had so many thought running through her head
(Should I kiss him? Look at his cute lips)
(Should I just let him sleep on my shoulders, or should I put his head on my thighs?)
(Or should I push his head away from my shoulders?)
Then Mia started talking softly
"Do you remember the time that I told you that I never liked you, that I never thought of loving you. I was telling lies, I did it because I....
Before she could continue Webster woke up and he asked her
Webster: You what..?
Mia: I.. I want you to remove your head off my shoulder and go to your bed!
Webster: Hey, take it easy, I just woke up and you're making noise inside my ears
Mia: Yh,go to sleep!
Webster: Yeah..yeah I'm going, why did my head even fall on you
Mia: Yeah, why didn't I just push your head away
Webster:Lower your voice and turn out the lights
Mia: What?
Webster: I'm too tired for talking, you heard me, turn out the lights Mia!
Mia:But..but.. I can't sleep with the lights out...
Webster: Urgh🤦, girls
(Webster thinking: I also can't sleep with the lights out,thank God you said it first)
Mia:Then good night.. Webster
Webster:Sleep already!

After an hour time when Mia had slept
Webster was still looking on the rooftop because he heard Mia in her dream
(Webster thinking: Why did she do it? Because she wanted to play with me as usual, or she has another purpose for that? Naa,I think she just wanted to play with me so let's just thinking about it)

Morning came and Webster was still sleeping so Mia made hot tea with bread waiting for Webster to wake up.
Webster woke up in about 2 minutes time
(Webster thinking: Mm, what's that smell,seems like hot tea, my favorite)
Webster immediately got down from the top bed and saw Mia
Mia: Oh,you woke up
Webster: Should I have died?
Mia: No, I mean you're late,it's past 10 already
Webster: Then what's your role call number?
Mia: You're just late admit it,Umm I made tea, that's yours
Webster: Not hungry(suddenly his stomach rumbles)
Mia: Mm,not hungry but I just heard a rumble, or is it the rain
Webster: Go out and check it for yourself
Mia:Okay,gimme a minute (Mia immediately leaves the room
Webster immediately had a sip of the tea and liked it so he drank it all and went to his top bed
Mia was outside and estimated that he was done so he opened the door to find the cup empty. The she intentionally asked Webster, "where's the tea?"
And Webster replied: Should I have died?
Mia giggled and thought(He couldn't resist the smell and taste of the delicious tea I made, never)
Webster: It was nice though, well-done
(Mia became so happy that she always made tea early in the morning for Webster just to hear the "well-done" again but she didn't hear it again.

Days passed and Webster and Mia were now getting off pretty well,they studied together, had breakfast together, had short conversations though but they were now in good terms.

A day before the Quiz was to be held, Webster and Mia had a conversation.
Mia:Hahaha,how funny
Webster:Yeah,kinda funny
Mia:Webster,you know what do you still remember that time
Webster:Don't start again
Mia:Lemme explain myself,I did that because I....
Webster: You what,you wanted to deceive me huh? you just wanted to play with me and make me look like a fool,you were the person I loved,thought about,I couldn't even sleep because I was busy thinking about you but you just wanted to play with me
Mia: Let me explain..
Webster: Explain what huh!? Your other plans you would have taken after that.
I don't even know why I'm here with you in this room,I should even get going
Mia:Webs,please don't go,lemme explain...
Webster: I said don't call me that! I'm leaving...
Mia:Where are you going? it's late , please just stay for one more day..
Webster: I don't plan on spending another day with you,your presence makes me sick.
Mia:(she fell on the bed and started crying) Why're you so harsh to me? If only you could let me explain, just listen..
Webster: I don't plan on wasting time with you, good-bye

Bam!!! He left the room but didn't take much of his belongings. Mia cried the whole night
Mia:Now I know how it feels, to be shut down by the one you love,now I know..(sobbing)

The Day for the Quiz arrived and Webster was still no where to be found
Mia waited and waited but Webster didn't show up. She dressed in her uniform and went to the school to report the missing Webster. They searched for him everywhere but he was no where to be found. The teachers immediately chose another candidate to replace Webster because the time was running out and they had to go, not knowing Webster went home.
Mom:(Knocking on door)
Webster: Come in
Mom: Today is the day you've been waiting for and you're here, still sleeping, unconcerned
Webster: I came yesterday but you didn't ask me why I came
Mom:I knew that there was something wrong, now why're you still asleep
Webster:Mom, I just don't feel like...
Mom: Don't feel like what, don't give me any silly explanations, go for your dream,live life as you wanted, don't let go now my son, when you let go of your dreams you're your biggest enemy.
Webster: I know that Mom, but....
Mom: What my son?
Webster:They might be there now and I'm home
Mom: Get dressed I'll let my driver escort you
Webster: Thank you Mom, I'll always love you
Mom:Me too my son
They hugged for about a minute and his Mom went out of the room

Webster:She's right,I've gotta go,they must be worried,she must also be worried...

Webster got dressed and her Mom's driver took Webster to the place.

Minutes ago(Recap)
Mia:But Sir,how can you replace Webster with someone I'm not familiar with!?
1st Teacher: Are you saying that we should wait for him,at this time?
Mia: Yes Sir,I know that he'd come,it might be traffic or...
1st Teacher: Or what!? The decision is made, he is replaced
Mia: Then I won't take part
1st Teacher: What!? Are you cra....
Mia: I'm not! I just won't do it, if he isn't here!
1st Teacher: Because of that guy,you're letting go of this competition and the school!?
Mia: This competition won't stay forever,but he will...
(Back to when Webster arrived)
There were people guarding the gate so it was hard to get in at first.
Now it was time

Announcer: All pupils to be seated, it's time for the competition to start.
Announcer:Top Class International School: First candidate Mia
There was cheer everywhere so Webster knew that it was about to start
Mia hesitated because she felt that Webster was there....somewhere
Announcer: 2nd Candidate,Webster
All eyes went around looking for him
Webster suddenly appeared asked "Am I late?"
Then the school started to cheer for him mentioning his name Webster! Webster! Webster!
Then he had his seat
Then Mia knew that she was right,she felt Webster's presence, Mia felt so happy and he told him that "I knew that you would never leave me here alone"
And Webster replied "I didn't come for you, I came for my dream.
(Webster thinking : " Yeah, you're kinda right, I would never leave you here...alone...)
Webster: Keep quiet and let focus, we have a dream to chase......

That's the end of the MY LUST FOR LOVE SINCE CHILDHOOD 4:Dream Chasers

© Michael®