

A Girl with black beanie
It was on the month of cold december
When it was just before the days of christmas
When the road were filled with huge crowd of people
You just came drifting towards me
It was like a reflection of light that glitters through sun
My eyes were sightless for a moment
Through the black beanie that you wear
block the light that reflects upon me
I can see clearly how you glance
It was a crystal clear and shine like a diamond
But fades entirely like a fog in a clear sky
What should I do just to impress you?
I followed all your ways
The night we stroll in the streets
Cold yet covered with warm conversation
Exchange numbers and feel insecure to let u go alone in dark
Drop you off till you gleam back with those eyes
Delighted to observe you every day
Despise to notice you with those fellows
But you appeared towards me
Recognizes how lucky to be with you
The attention you gave me was cute and delightful
Your clingy moments towards me makes me fall for you
After all this glorious minutes of us
Where do you disappear all of a sudden
Like a moon that hides through a clouds
Quitting me all solitary in cold with your black beanie
Tell me what should I fulfill just to impress you.
#LoveVsDestiny #Love #lovediary