

A Brave Girl . ep: 4
Hiya entered the office room. Boss's back is facing her.. Hiya said ;"may i come in sir?"

-“yes come in”...
Ujjal turned around. Hiya shocked to see him again but didn't let him to know. But here Ujjal didn't see her face that day , so he didn't recognize her.
Ujjal: so , you are my new P.A from now on..
Hiya : Ok sir....
Ujjal : So go, ask manager about your work ...he will tell you everything.....
Hiya : ok boss...

like this 2monthes passed...In this 2monthes ,everything was going on so welly...but one thing happened...
Miss.Apala Roy , welly known as a great popular politician ...also known as Ujjal's mom ..... wanted to make wine factory in BikramPur. But there is a problem that...where she wanted to place that wine factory, there was a house....'Mukherjee Aloy' *house name*

*on call*

Apala : Hello! Mr. Dutta, How far is your investigation about that house...I told you to collect each and every information about that house....

Mr. Dutta: yes madam....i have collected.....we got to know that it's the home of Sadhan Mukherjee....but he died some years ago...

*Hearing that name Apala got shocked..* why shocked we will know...

Mr.Dutta: Madam...we went to the home for asking to leave that home as soon as possible for the wine factory...but one girl named Hiya Mukherjee, the grand daughter of Sadhan Mukherjee ; refused to leave that home and protested against the wine factory with her whole family..
madam! i think we will have problems if we force them to leave that home...
*Apala cut the call *
Apala : At any cost , i want that house......No one has ever dared to speak against me in my life.There this girl dared to speak against me. she will pay for it.
Hiya? The new P.A??? Hiya.. i will take that home at any cost ...you can't do anything...*

Apala calls Ujjal.....

Ujjal : yeaaa mom...you were calling me??
Apala: Ujjal , marry Hiya ...your new P.A
Ujjal: WHAT?? Are you even serious about what you are saying??
Apala: I am your mom...i know what is good or bad...i will go to Mukherjee family with the marriage proposal...got it???
Ujjal : Why mom....
Apala : you will know by right timing....

Ujjal pov. what is going on in mom's mind?

okkk....so.. that's it for today....i wanna tell something that you all are liking story, poem, quotes more or less...but not subscribed me...I'm very upset...😥😥
okk...bye...next episode i will upload....love you ummahhh😘😘😘🙏🙏🙂🙂🙂take care