

Adrinette 5
At home (5:30)
Adrienne had already woken up by the time they had gotten home.

Adrienne:Mummy did u buy my doll?
Mari:Yes baby .I bought two
Adrienne:(runs to hug Marinette )Thank you mummy
Mari: You're welcome sweetheart.Here they are (Bring them out from a bag)
Adrienne:They're beautiful mummy
Mari:Alright go play with them

The next week ,(7:30am)
When they are going to Paris.
Adrien:Honey wake up.Our flight is by 12
Mari:(yawns)Am so tired
Adrien:Don't worry you'll be able to sleep in the plane(looks at Adrienne)
Mari:Alright I'll go get ready.
(She haves her bath and wears a leather gown..she turns to wake Adrienne)
Mari:Adrienne Adrienne
Mari:Don't cry baby
Adrienne :(sniffs)am tired mummy
Mari:Am sorry love. Remember you are going to Aunt Alya's house
Adrienne:I don't wanna go (hugs Marinette)
Mari:It's just for a week darling
Adrienne:Why can't I follow?
Mari: Because,it's for daddy and I .I explained it to you and you promised you would be a good girl
Adrienne: Alright mummy but am gonna miss you
Mari:Me too.Now let's go

Adrienne wears a white skirt and pink top
Adrienne:Mummy can I take Connie and Delilah and Casey and Izzie and Alex and Lexi..........
Mari:You can take all your dolls
Adrienne:Thank you.Wheres daddy
Mari:He's watching tv
Adrienne :Am going to watch with him
Mari:You're gonna leave me ?
Adrienne:I'll be back I promise(pecks Marinette's cheek)
Mari:Tell ur dad to help come help me carry the bags
Adrienne:Ok (She runs downstairs)

Few minutes later,
Adrien:(grabs Marinette by the waste and pecks her)How is my favourite girl doing?
Mari:You scared me
Adrien:Oh did I?(laughs)
Mari:Come help me carry the bags downstairs
Adrien:(carries two bagsand goes downstairs)
Mari:Thanks honey(carries the remaining)
Adrien: Alright Adrienne, you be a good girl at Aunt Alya's
Adrienne: Aren't I always a good girl?
Adrien:I don't thinks so(laughs)
Adrienne:Daddy!!am always good
Adrien:Is that so?
Adrienne:Ask mummy
Adrien:Is that true honey?
Mari:Let's say sometimes
Adrienne: Mummy!Aunt Alya won't complain about me
Mari:And if she does?
Adrienne:She won't I promise
Mari:If she doesn't I'll buy you a big doll house
Adrienne:Thank you mummy

At Paris,
Adrien:I do miss Paris
Mari:Me too
Adrien:Do you want us to go to your parents house first ?
Mari:No let's go settle in a hotel .Am really tired.

Hey guys sorry for not posting yesterday. I was really busy Ok so am gonna fast-forward to 8 years later when Adrienne will be 13 years.Again I ask for your opinions on this story and if u want me to start a new story just comment .I love you all and please stay safe.


© queenie