

Cindy wakes up to a horrible bone crackling noise. She shivers in fear, sweat rolling down her face. She turns her head, her ears ringing. "What lurks in the shadows" a voice whispered. Cindy peered into the darkness. She called out "hello...?" Silence. She froze in her place. She picked up her phone and rung her mom "mom... Please help!" Her mom didn't respond but make a grunting noise. Cindy cried, tears rolling down her face. A cold hand held on to her ankle and pulled her down under the bed.. "HELP! SOMEBODY PLEASE!" She cried until the creature appeard. Its wicked teeth were showing and monstrous tongue sticking out. It twisted its head down to its neck. She yells and yaps. Police sirens were heard. The police came in to cindy's room. Silence filled the room. It was too late. Cindy's blanket was cascading down the bed with blood smeared on it. Blood under the bed. She was beheaded and her head was placed on her desk. That night... People still wonder... "What lurks in the shådøws..."
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