

You are my supporters
Thank you for the years of writing for your app. I have enjoyed the spread of verse. Though times were trying... you gave me the the chance to rebuild what was stolen. Broken I was before the times of tides change and fire burned the pen and pencile away. I am grateful Forever. For The Most High Chose you to see me. Thank you other writers, poet, spreaders of eternal verse. And never the less of this particular state of thanks.. To you writeco.in app; I thank you.

The verses that why my tongue speak out loud and grace my name was given; You heard the talking of excellence in my giving and when the eyes that are opened will see it later.. for however you may exist. I will and am grateful for every opportunity you have given. To the readers; Know that some typos remain for affect and others will be corrected. I am she who writes to your pallet... and hope you are blessed of insight.

© Evone GoddessLegba Payton Banks