

Land of the High Sons and Daughters of Ter'rah. Where the First race of birth settled down and grew many communities. The Elves of the Mythical Age gave the land it's name and vowed to care for it and it's inhabitants. Over the next millennia, several different species of animals and humanoid races would come forth to live among the growth.

Fairies, the mystical-folk were known to inhabit the forests along with there younger and elder-cousins and got along with them quite well. They would go on to create and inhabit settlements known as havens. Not as gifted with magic, like their cousins, but were true beings of magic and lore. They also were known to originate from the Realm of Bertar(Light), as well as the savage-folk.

Lamias, nymphs, dwarfs, sprites, avions, and many more all inhabited this land, while living in mountains, near lakes and creeks, building sanctuaries, and many different settlements. Within the early cycles of the Morning star, Ter'rah was vibrant and lush with fruits and meets to provide all accommodations for the many different races and animals.

The Elven Empire would establish its capitol in these lands and build many great wonders there, such as, towers, temples, kingdoms, statues, altars, shrines, and monasteries. There would also be several revolts and uprisings that would lead to this land of beauty to suffer from the horrors of war.But in the modern day of man, this land is believed to be the home of Ivory and Influence, Prominence.
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