

Suicidal Fool
Who said writing is an easy
thing? Who said poetry is simple
like the making of vanilla ice
cream? Being a writer is harder
than quantum physics. It’s like
standing in front of a crowd of
people that you don’t know and
beginning to strip. Each metaphor
written is like a piece of cloth
falling and showing your skin.
It’s like holding on a tornado and
not knowing how to let go until it
passes touching everything it
collides with on it’s way home.
Poetry is the most bravest forms
of confessing how you feel after
your own storms. It’s brave because
you stand up and shout out into
the void about what did your
darkest night let you feel. It’s
brave because it made some
of us talk about the first emotion
that struck after sharp razor blades
caressed our skin on those nights
we had no friends to talk to. It
makes you talk about those
nights you kneeled down to the
devil because you couldn’t find
a god to lift your hands to and
pray , because there were no
lights found at the end of the
road. Poetry is the hardest thing
any human being can ever do.
And if you yourself are a writer ,
you’ll know that what I’m saying
is totally true. Poetry is always
there when you feel down and
blue. It helps you breathe , it’s
like the therapy your parents
refused to let you go to while
you were internally dying back
in school and people walked
by thinking you were nothing
but a pathetic suicidal fool