

Enjoy but don't Destroy ( Part 1)
Chapter 1

It was that very day when we had yoga in the last two periods of our school.. Yoga was usually happened in the upper hall.. I and Stella are best friends. Although we weren't in the same section but still you know best friends are best friends... No matter what you can't repulse them. Stella and I were going to the upper hall for yoga classes.. We changed into yoga pants and school t shirt and we sat silently.. Our teacher was busy practicing with those who were participating in the sports. As upper hall was the top most floor of the church, we didn't much knew about this place cause we only used to come here for our assembly in the morning.. Suddenly Roxy came and sat beside us.. We were talking when suddenly a idea stroke me.. "Why don't we reveal secrets in this Church? ", I asked them. "We can, Megan but won't it be a lot risky? ", asked Roxy. "No it won't but you guys have to promise me that you will listen to me without any hesitation". I offered them my plan and they agreed. "But the main problem is Mrs. Grundy.. You know Megan if she catches us we are all going yo the principal " reminded Stella.. I knew how exactly was Grundy.. She was good looking bitch. Keen shrewd eyes and by chance you are caught doing mischief then over.. "Don't forget about Alice, our yoga teacher " reminded Roxy.. "Don't worry guys just chill". I said them that what is my exact plan and we work accordingly. There were two ways to get in and out. The way which was permitted to us was where Grundy was standing and the other way which was forbidden, I went and kept all of our bags and kept the shoes outside of the door so that we could escape easily.. I returned to my place bringing my handkerchief with me so no one doubts. I planed to go last as I need to keep an check on both the teachers. First Stella went followed by Roxy and then I went.. We took our bags. I somehow put on my shoe and there were steps leading down to somewhere dark.. But then as we didn't knew where it existed thus we took the parallel way and then we started running.. While running Stella's pants stuck with the bench which was present and it tore.. But we left the thought behind and just ran down the way.. We were 3 standing in the middle of the church.. Everything was so dark and scary as none of the windows were open do sunlight didn't entered in the church .. We then went out of the church safely without getting caught that day.. But Stella and Roxy didn't knew what happened with me in the next day.. I again went there all alone and the things happened with me creeped the hell out of me.

To be continued......