

The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it and I was wondering that when did I ordered that and then I realized that I must have ordered it by myself but because of the dementia i must have forgotten ..then I sat on the chair on whom I am sitting since my childhood and looked outside the window ..... children were playing on the road ..and then I realized that I can see myself from the glass of the window ....an old man with gray hair who keep forgetting things and who lost her wife in the past year who reminded him of the things he forgot but now he has no idea what to do ...he forgets whether he had done lunch or not ...he forgets whether his children called him or not and sometimes he calls them twice a day not recalling whether he had contacted them or not but the irritated behaviour of them made him realize it was the second attempt of him who had raised them...seen them growing and got old working for them ...but the second call even though they knew of the disease he had was not acceptable....He then started looking at the parcel and again started getting confused why he ordered it then he looked at the back and it was from someone named Zuhan that made him even more confused because he was not able to recall any Zuhan ...
then meanwhile when he was getting confused he heard the phone ringing he went there picked it up and then he heard a person introducing himself as Zuhan ...
he told him that he is a member of medical staff and had send a parcel which includes key and the instructions will tell you how to use it because the hospital has also public locker too where things of the dead patients are kept ...and he reminded him that he told him at that time but later when the old man left the hospital without getting the key ...so he send it through the parcel ...
The old man replied but how you knew that you would need to tell me the whole story when you don't even know me
he said I am sorry but the last checkup of yours report accidentally came across me and I read there you have dementia so ...I have also seen the thing that was especially for you and I don't want you to miss it
the old man hang up while saying thank you!!
then he immediately wrote that he had to go to public locker linked to hospital so he immediately left for that carrying the key and he four times forgot why he was traveling then he showed himself the paper and realised where he was going ...
after reaching the place he started opening the locker. he then realised that the key was harder to use so he started reading instructions. and then. inserted it. it opened with a click. then .....he saw an album lying there he. withdraw the album and to his surprise a letter was attached to it ...
he then carried it home
sat on the chair and started reading the letter....
Dear Love !!
I know. how much you love me. we have seen every inch of our life together but your dementia really pissed me sometimes but it also made me realize that you will be useless when I will be gone ...I cannot afford a camera to edit a big. bang life movie for you nethier I know how to use it so I would keep it orthodox ....haha that's what our children called our ideas ...anyhow I have collected all the photos of us of the best moments of our life story along with notes attached ..so everytime you get confused you read and also have attached the list of the things you should do daily ....
from ..
your old sick wife
he wiped his tears and then started watching the album
he saw the pictures of his first child....they getting a first car which they had to sell because of the financial crisis they have to go through later
the. he saw. the picture of them celebrating Thier anniversary ....the picture of them in 40's. ... a picture of them laughing hard forgetting the behaviour their children showed them...
and then in the end the picture of both of them in the hospital
and then a note was attached to it.
Dad your children are not that bad this album was devised by your son .... because I love mama and you. ...a lot but my busy life and my. family won't let me focus on you ..
give me sometime and I will sort things out
i know what I have done is not right ...but there. ....needs to be a solution to every mess and I am finding that one.
Then he closed the album and made his head relax on the top of Chair .....
he then started murmuring
......From 6 feet no one could hear what he was saying but from 1 feet you can listen that he was saying
love is not linked to a persons life that he will go and it will disappear along with him or her it is immortal it remains even when you are dead ....
I have no concern whether my son is able to sort things out or not because I love him regardless of his behaviour and the time that he did not spend with me
I want to spend the. last moments of my life thinking about how much love I can give to this world ....