


We had a long walk,
Suddenly out of no where
Comes the sparkling whole number.
Being more than fifty. Glowing
With no foundation on.

Been the name prime, but rather bearing a whole number coming from Forte as prime digit 59' as the cessation drives in.

She got all the cravings any prime could ever think of. She sparkles, giggles and tingle to the edges even without the bridges as she splish and splash her figure. Moving not more than two miles, she met 60'.

"Hey girl, Are you opposite over hypotenus? Because you're making me want to Sin". Said 60.

60 been resilient gave sigh at first site. Which is said to woke up on the wrong side of the bed; might have slept side ways propelling its spine with six consecutive.

He dare not give a glimpse of her side view. She looks the brunette and complains of 60 old aging while giving a divergent reason not to love prime.

"Hey girl, you're way above average, don't be Mean" said 60 on sec.

60' sixth sense could detect the thought to be old enough to reach her menu. Which will take her sabbath to form.

Mid-fifties couldn't take it, he felt for kite which seems too young to fly, he had to give up the race before he coincidentally found 61. Fair, tall and complexion he couldn't draw a tie in between nor resist the site of its cite.

He felt in no thine even with no time, perpetrating as this slams and jams spoken word for another 1' figure to reach its love tangle not knowing that adding both could only produce a long prime, giving birth to 121 in a whole.

©️Josiah. 🍁

© Josh De Kreative Ink