

Life 29
Ok so...this is just food for thought ...
In a time when everything seems like it is so uncertain you have to know that can only be based on perception.
I mean when has it not been an uncertain time in life?
We all think in some way that tomorrow is going to get better but do we really believe that?
If today is a glimpse into tomorrow and tomorrow will reflect what has been done yesterday then how is it so many people are so uncertain?
Take responsibility for the things that were set into motion, Take responsibility for the things you played a part in and above all else Take Responsibility for your ambitions!
People these days do not like to take responsibility for their actions or the image that it may promote.
Hence the constant blaming of their Goverment...who by the way is only an extention of the people anyway...
So who are we kidding by shifting the blame to another ?
Ourselves ....
You cannot build something and turn it loose thinking it will get better with time, just because the foundation of our goverment was supposedly built to protect and to give the people as a whole a voice does not mean it will operate that way in the future.
Look at all the anger and resentment going on in the world today, do you really think it is any worse than 40 years ago?
Was it not the people who protested against the war in Vietnam?
Was it not the people who voted their elected officials into congress and was it not those same people who did nothing to reflect the will of the people?
So who's voice is actually being promoted by our goverment?
When we elect an individual into office are you doing so thinking they will promote your views while in office? Or they will do the right thing on your behalf?
Why is it then the laws and executive orders are put into motion by one single person?
Should it not be the adverage Joe who would be the one to bring these ideas and concerns to their elected official to be then promoted to the goverment?
NO...Name one company that was built to where the owner actually was a puppet of the company itself?
None, the owner knowing he or she is responsible for the direction of the company calls the shots and it is their ambition that moves the company in the direction they would like to see it grow.
If the constitution states WE THE PEOPLE ...
then why do we rely on one individual to be able to make executive orders?
That is because when you go to a place of buisness, you are there knowing exactly what it is they actually do... you need your car repaired you go to an automotive repair shop...if your printer is broken you go to a printer repair shop... But you Never go to an auto repair shop and put your faith in the fact they may decide to work on your printer ...right?
Ask yourself that the next time you feel your vote really matters!
If you are voting for someone who is a servant of the people then why is it they need money from corporations to get elected?
Who do they really serve?
Would it not be the people they are representing that would ultimately fund their Ambition?