

Plan Today For Better Tomorrow
In this session iam going to write about the concept of planning.Planning is not a new term ,Knowingly or unknowingly we used this concept in our daily life.A goal without a plan is just a wish.Planning make everything easy and reduce the complexity.
Planning is nothing but decide in advance.What,When,How,Where,Why ,answer to this questions make your work very easy and save your time.
"When you plan for a year ,then plant rice:When you plan for a decade,plant trees:When you plan for life time ,then educate yourself".Quality education is enough to make a perfect plan.Plan is a roadmap it direct you.
Preparation is the key to sucess.
Feed a hungry man with a fish help to fullfill his tummy ,its not a smart move,better taught the method of fishing to him,this is going to feed life time..that is what smart way .
let me say a kutty story,Once upon a time there was a maharaja lived in his palace with his wife and daughter.He loves his daughter very much. He send her daughter to a town for education .Later she completed her course,and return to her native place with curiasity to see her dad.She was shocked after hearing that news..Her father was killed by a fellow minister and ruled the kingdom very cruely.Its a heart breaking tragedy to her.It crushed her ...make her vulnarable.Its like a thunderstorm and she couldn't accept that..So she bawl out violently and ran away madly to the nearest forest..Then she felt very hungry and tired.She saw a hut ...She mysteriously entered in to the hut and she saw an old saint who is sitting and chanting mantra.Suddenly saint look her very warmly.He gave a morsel of food and water with kind hearted.Now he asked her, What do you want?What takes you here??She narrate the whole story..Saint firmly rub his beard asked her..Do you have any plan?..she said,no..He asked ,What's your next step?How you are going to punish the accused?How to save the kingdom? she is stammering to answer..iam helpless...He shot number of questions.... Are you a memeber of club?.Does your father has many supporters?......she said ..i dont know all this.. iam not here for a long time..Oh!! I see:!!ok..Dont worry!! let us make a plan to save the kingdom and punished the accused? The plan with clear vision gives a tremoundous victory .She asked the saint,How do you know all this things?He said,am the management student.So i know the basic principles of management.My guru said, we can apply the management principles anywhere at ant time,so applied that strategy here .After that they defeat the criminal and put them in a jail.Now she started ruling the country with more confidence,and the saint become her Raja guru. Under her majestry, people are very happy and delighted .
plan make the future into present so that ,you can make something rightnow..keep planning!!!👍😘