

Free The Slaves And Unite The Angels
Free The Slaves and Unite the Angels.

The Virus
I feel like the virus was a true indication of the Lord's anger towards us, the things being done in his world. The leaders are over using their powers to make His children suffer, His kids are not free.People are doing crazy things to the world and each other. People lost the real love they were given in the beginning. People are killing people, the poor are suffering, the oppressors are oppressing,the foolish are getting leadership sits,the rich are helping the rich only expecting the poor to take care of each other. Parties are fighting to rule the Lord's creation. Brothers are killing each other just for land,people are misleading each other,making each other believe that the other is worthy than each other,we are the same we just differ by race not creation. Politics are still ruling and dividing the Lord's people, they are the one's causing division. We all have the answer, we all have it,we might act like we don't but we have, the answer to all this is the Creator. The leaders are giving people rules to live by, they are trying to distract the people from living by the rules of their Creator. The leaders wants to lead the country but still can't manage their families. The black wants to rule but still can't accept the whites with their imperfections,same applies to the white. Young one's are doing scary things with the older one's. Mother's are turning into fathers this days. People are killing precious souls, hurting innocent souls just for money,the root of all evil.The poor are being under but people are paying money for them to be fed. People are being judged by what they do not who they are, innocent strangers are being treated like enemies. I feel like its stupid when Africans are killing each other with a reason,it's stupid when Africans are busy chasing other races away from Africa with a reason,it's stupid when countries are fighting busy disrupting each others peace,mind you were there is peace there is love,vision and unity,it's wise to respect all living organism. South Africans are chasing other Africans away, busy acting like they own this country. Getting angry when they are occupying labor spaces, but when you ask if them what effort are they doing they doing to fill the space they show the slavery side implemented by the leaders, all they know is enjoying the deeds of slavery provided by the leaders, the grants and poor services they receive, The Creator is angry cause His children are suffering and being denied the blessings He blessed them with, the people have to pay to enjoy the blessings, where must the their slaves get the money to pay them when the money they need is playing in their hands. The Creator values us the same but we try the older one's teaches the young one's to hate the other race. Bob Marley quoted '' We all the same in the eyes of the Lord,no black,white,green.pink, we are one thing.''This days Christians are not saving lost souls, they are judging them and chasing them away by the things they do in the House of THe Lord. Drunkards are being judged and laughed at, young one's disrespects them when they are passing by,parents are insulting them in the mist of young one's. Pastors are bringing shame in the name of the Lord by not knowing their positions,pastors are performing works of the Lord and taking credit. There is so many prophets that are known by the people but not the Creator. Learners are being expected to learn via Apps, and some are supporting it. Did y'all think about the kids from the Ghetto's and Hood's that are not fortunate enough to have the money to buy phones, some don't have the money to buy data and how will some go buy airtime to buy data when we are not allowed to go outside.What I have seen with people is that,as long as their needs are covered they throw away humanity.How are those stars from the Ghetto's and Hoods being expected to shine when they are being denied the sky. They first crashed down their dreams when they told them education is the only key to success. Please lets think of those children,just because God placed them in that area it doesn't mean he doesn't have something planned for them. Please watch out, life might make their kids be their employees.

Letter to a Black Child.

Welcome to a tv reality world.
A world meant for the bold.
A world full of hearts that are cold.
Full of sins that are never told.

It's so sad that you had to live in a country,
That doesn't believe in dreams,
The people criticize each others religion.
A country full of division.

Welcome to a country that lacks vision.
A country that kids are not taught to believe in dreams,
When they decide to follow their dreams,not school,
They are called fools.

I hope you don't inherit the hate,
You are given towards your fellow African brothers,
Please give them love,
In the eyes of the Creator,you both share the same blood.

Please go out there and touch lives.
Make souls brave
Don't forget to free the slaves.
Watch out for the temptations that tests your faith.

Boy From The Hood

Angels are dividing and suffering.

The Lords creation is being turned into slaves by the rulers. Countries are fighting,hate is being implemented and the angels are fighting against each other.Rulers are fighting personal battles at the expense of the angels and angels are inheriting the battles, some don't know roots,they just fighting because of the image of the roots without knowing the real roots. Rulers are oppressing, countries are spending too much money on wars but can't even donate money to build churches or feed the poor. The foolish are trying to rule the wise, and when the wise neglects them they order other angels to silence them. Angels are being sent by the rulers to do crazy things to the people they are already oppressing. They only want to rule in their own time.Our country is planning big things and they want to achieve them but can't archieve simple things like unity,peace,respect towards each other. South Africans are chasing Shona's,Nigerians and other cultures away from South Africa, they are judging Shona's just because of one of their siblings imperfections. If you could hear South Africans advertising Shona's or Nigerians imperfections you would swear they are perfect. Countries are disrupting each others peace. Countries are joining each other to fight another country.Young one's are being taught to hate other races, they are being confused because at church they are being told we are all one but in the streets they are being told they are different from from other culture, other cultures are being described like hooligans or demons in the mist of young one's and other cultures are being treated like they are not humans in the mist of young one's and they go to school or out in the streets and treat young one's of that culture the same way. Angels are treating each other like they come from different Creators. No one owns land in this world, land is only owned by the Creator so lets stop misleading each other, lets accept that we are just visitors in this land so nobody owns no land. Other countries are testing their dangerous inventions by innocent angels of other countries. Rulers are only striving for their close families to benefit from their positions. People are bowing down saying prayers to the devil,praying for the downfall of their fellow angels. Rulers are trying by all means to divide the angels that's why you see biblical classes not being offered at schools in South Africa. The rulers are trying by all means to compete with the Lords laws,and they are trying by all means to confuse the angels to join them sadly some angels are falling the trap. In South Africa the rulers are cursing the angels but the angels seem like they are not having knowledge to this curse, young kids are being fooled by grant they are receiving,some are parents are still forcing their children to go to the very same thing they thought would bring them the good life. In our country children are not taught to believe in their dreams, they are being introduce to a dream that leads to slavery. Most educated people are slaves of the rulers,they work so hard for the rulers to buy wants for them,their families and friend.Rulers are also dividing most families with their dream, parents don't see their kids value if they excel in the dream, parents are saying harsh words to their kids just because they are exceling in the dream,parents don't believe in their kids talent. Learners are that are fail matric are taking their lives just because parents believe too much in this dream, just because they fear judgements from people. If only parents knew that the life they don't want them to live, is at the very same environment they are forcing them forcing them to adapt to which is school. This days the freedom the young one's need is at school, the freedom to loose the light and school was implemented by the rulers. The lost souls are being chased away from churches by the Christians, pastors are making the lost souls not to believe in the Lord. When will the angels be free? When will the slaves left alone and enjoy their lives. What we need is direction from the rulers and pastors but they are the one's causing the lack of direction. Why can't all parties unite and pastors unite and lead their countries? Why can't we accept the fact that we are all one and we stop denying it because we have been denying it for years but no good is coming out of the denial? How do we expect the slaves to come back when we can't even free ourselves, how do we expect to bring them back without unity. I wonder if the rulers are ready to explain their sin to the Lord. The people are united by their mouth but no hearts.Lets all try to fight this human and mental slavery, no one can will stand up for us if we don't stand for ourselves. Lets first unite then we can overcome this rulers and we free ourselves from their oppression. Lets think about the future of our world. They are people dying out there,the poor are being left to fight the slavery on their own. We are the one's who can make the future of our world bright. We are the one's who can save the coming angels or must I say slaves? I don't think those who fought and died for our freedom were only fighting for the other race to be oppressed, I think the were fighting for peace and unity. Lets think about the likes Steve Biko,Victoria and Griffiths Mxenge,Hector Pieterson,Hastings Ndlovu,Solomon Mahlangu,Nelson Mandela,Winnie Madikizela-Mandela and many more, do you think those hero's are resting in peace,do you think are they proud that their blood was shed for the people to still suffer and be oppressed. If it's not corruption is greed, the foolish are paying each other for sits, the wise are being killed. Do you think the Lord is proud of his creation? So the unity of Africca will start when the young angels are being told and shown the truth.

The Unification of Africa.

Africa unite.
Let there be unity,
Between black and white.
Let's all get up and make the future bright.

Let's show each other the light.
And try to make all the wrong right.
Let's teach all this black and white young one's,
That they are all one.

Also tell them to show each other the light,
Cause no love,no blessing
Let's try to please the Lord,
And make him feel bold.

Let all Africans enjoy their fathers Land,
And sing their anthem as a band,
While holding hands.
Let's not forget to free all the African slaves,
And make sure they are all brought back.

Boy From The Hoood