

3. Closer to that 'something'
I told you, as much as I loved the ocean, it scared me as well. The surface of it was claiming and terrifying. What lies beneath? The thought of it scared me even more. I found people on that boat to be more than just tourists. They all had one or the other experience with the deep blue sea. Everyone had a story to tell. People with wandering souls... I felt a bit shy, or should I say shame? to talk to them. Well, spending days and days with them, I too, started looking at the ocean with the same old love. Sometimes it was as if we were floating on a 10ft deep lake.

Sometimes it was as if the roaring waves would throw us to the cloud. Anyway, it got less and less scary with each moment passing by. My head kept turning to directions, eyes searching for a piece of land. I didn't much tell anyone that I'll be unavailable for a few days. Well to the people who knew about my journey, I missed out to tell them that it's gonna take maybe months. Or that there's no guarantee in making it out alive. My bad. But still, do they miss me? I mean I had ways to make communication, I simply chose not to. That's why I decided to be on a cruise. A getaway... From EVERYTHING. IF I make it back, I'll know who actually cared to stay, whom to keep in my life going forward.

A few days after getting adjusted with everything, I developed a new interest in marine life. Thanks to the team of scientists. It was thrilling to know about what lies beneath the vast blue surface. It made me realise, how small and low we are. The only species who boast about and take pride in their comparatively higher IQ. That is all we humans are about. I wish I took the courage to come out of my comfort zone way earlier. Well, better late than never right?

My heart said to stay there as long as I could, keep traveling on the waters. Because, I felt like something was missing in this journey. That 'something', was definitely not about eliminating my fear of the ocean. My heart kept telling me, look deeper, keep an eye on the horizon, your life is about to take a turn. I followed my heart. My head still turned to directions, not to find land though. That 'something' was close... I could feel it.


© the_woman