

A Day in Life
"Ariel !" he said stopping his guitar riff midway , "I'm so happy you came. Infact I would have been disappointed if you hadn't shown up today".
" Well , there is not a single soul here who could resist your voice. Even from a mile apart it just pulls me like a magnet" she said admiringly.
" You are just being nice my dear, I sing because this is all I can do now. What else am I good for without my vision? "
Ariel said with a heavy voice " I can't imagine how you still manage to stay in such high spirits everyday".
Bernard smiled and said " My daughter is the only reason I'm alive", reaching into a pocket he pulled out an envelope , "And she sent me a letter today , that's the reason I was anticipating you, I wanted someone to read it to me. Will you, Ariel?"
She kept the fruit basket down, stepped forward and took the letter from him " Happily!" she said and sat on a stool opposite him.

Will be continued......
© G_write$_