The first time Uncle Uche called me into his room to give me money for sweets, I didn't like the look in his eyes. I didn't like the way he drooled whilst touching the parts Miss Ama told us were off limits at school. I told Uncle Uche what Miss Ama had said but he shrugged and said "consider it a way of paying back, or do you want me to stop buying you sweets?". Of course I wouldn't want that!
I told Mummy, but she was too tired to listen. She was always tired!
The first time Uncle Uche made me sit on his bed, I couldn't understand why he pulled down my shorts after taking his off. I told him mom already bathed me in the morning, he muttered something about me whining way too much for someone that's "a boy". I yelped in pain when he inserted his finger in my butt and said I'd tell mother. Uncle Uche was almost too calm as he explained to me that no one would love me again if I said a word about him to them, especially Mother. I wouldn't want Mother to stop loving me, Uncle Uche was her favorite cousin. I didn't want to get on his bad side so I shut up and sat still, just as he'd ordered.
The first time Auntie Mercy bathed me, something didn't feel right about the way her hands lingered on my body. It reminded me of Uncle Uche and that made me cringe in fear. She said she was being thorough, but the pain I felt when she bit me while licking my pintle was so excruciating that I stared at her in horror.
The first time I bumped into Auntie Fiona touching herself, I wished I hadn't. I had heard her crying and knocked on her door...