

Day of Memories
I sat by the window as I watch the grey coloured clouds drop water from the sky. It leaves a warm feeling. Although it is cold outside but I felt comfortable as it continued pouring. My so-called home felt safe, warm, and cozy yet it lacks something. A curve formed on my lips as I saw my reflection from the window. I sighed and shrugged the thoughts piling up. I smiled.

Who would have thought that the sun and moon can be together? It has been a while, but the fluttering feeling I felt back then is still present whenever his face flashes inside my mind. It has been 7 months since I lost sight. A long time since I saw a star as bright as him. Like a princess, I waited for the one who will come to rescue. Autumn, winter, spring, and summer, I sat by my window waiting as if my fairy tale will begin.

A small chuckle that is full of regrets left my mouth and I sighed, once again. Closing my eyes, I see his warm smile that gave me butterflies. Remembering how he laughed when we joke made my cheeks heat up. But as soon as I opened my eyes and saw my reflection from the window, my feelings shattered, like a fragile glass.

My soul was left in a void and my feelings were discarded. My warm breath fogged up the glass and I drew a smiling face on it, but it soon disappeared. Just like snow on the first day of summer. I grew older.