

The Mistress
Write a short story using at least three from the five prompts given:
An empty suitcase full of memories.
The messages added salt to wounds.
The car accelerated before the signal turned green.
A wardrobe full of clothes that still had their tags on.
A dust free bookcase could hide a lot of lies.


"Marianette, make sure to clean every rooms. The guests are coming tonight around ten o'clock in the evening."

I bowed down. "Yes, mistress. I will," I replied.

The mistress then walked elegentaly unto the huge and red carpeted staircase. She was wearing her a black dress, black laced gloves, black hat and black boots. She kind of reminded of your elegant aunt that had travelled the whole world but not yet married.

As the head maid of the Whitby household, I ordered all the maids to clean every rooms of this mansion. I also assigned them which room they will be cleaning.

As always, I was in charge of cleaning the mistress' room. As I opened the door, I was surprised that I saw a suitcase on top of her bed. The closet is opened a little bit.

For almost fifteen years of serving the Whitby household, specifically the mistress, this is my first time that I'll saw her room a little bit messy. The mistress will always keep and arranged her things up before she leaves her room.

In the midst of my confusion, I walked towards her bed to fix her things. Maybe, the mistress is too stressed and she does not have time to fix her things up.

I was about to placed her suitcase on her cabinet when my curiosity swept in. The suitcase is not the typical gothic-theme that the mistress would use. It was colorful with stickers around. It was out of character, I must say.

I opened the suitcase. I was surprised that nothing's inside. However, something caught my attention. There was a picture attached on the top of the suitcase. It was a photo of the mistress (I think she was around eighteen years old that time) and a young man whom somehow resembles my father. The young man was wearing a white shirt, black slacks and black shoes. On the other hand, the mistress is wearing a white dress, white hat and pink doll shoes. They are holding each other hands while dancing an elegant party.

I shook my head after my thoughts are attacking me aggressively. He just coincidentally resembles my father. I tried to eliminate those negative thoughts.

I was about to close the suitcase when I saw a caption written just below the picture.

Antoinette Whitby and Alejandro Ramos, always together.

I could not believe what I saw. That was exactly my father's name. I aggressively closed the suitcase and immediately placed it inside the cabinet.

It was definitely not a coincidence, I said to myself.

I went to the closet. I do not know what gotten into me but I opened it. I was shocked when I saw some clothes in it, still with their tags on!

I aggressively closed the closet again. I leaned on the closet and started crying. I closed my mouth to prevent myself from sobbing.

It all makes sense now.

After a couple days, I asked the mistress that I will take a leave for a week. Luckily, she agreed. Good thing that she did not noticed my facades. I was able to keep a stoic expression in front of her.

But deep now? I really want to cry in front of her.

I visited my house and saw my mother washing the dishes. I greeted her and the moment she saw me, she just smiled but her eyes showed no emotions.

I know something is unusual. My mother would always greet me with a warm hug.

"You father's in jail..." she said, in the midst of eating our dinner.

"What happened?" I asked her. I tried to remain calm. I have no appetite to eat but it's just a waste if I don't eat. My mother made these and it's been a while since I've eaten her food.

She is already sad. I don't want to add another burden to her.

"He stole a bunch of clothes from a designer brand. He sneaked out last night," my mother answered with a trembling voice. I closed my eyes to refrain myself from crying.

"Why would he do that?"

I am so dumb to even ask this. It will just pain my mother even more!

"For Antoinette, of course..." I heard her sobbed but she stopped herself immediately. "Your father still loves her up to this day. He was willing to do anything for her to be happy."

I gritted my teeth. I could feel my tears rolling down at my cheek. I could not even specify the exact emotions I am feeling right now.

Anger? Sadness? Frustrated? Disappointed? I don't know.

"Those clothes he stole, those were the clothes that Antoinette likes. He can not afford those that's why he stole it. Anything for Antoinette. Even it kills him..." The last sentence turned into whispher. I could her uncontrollable sobs now.

So that is the reason why my father forced me to work on her household? He wants me to take care of her! He wants to be connected with her in every way possible! He will literally do everything... sacrifice everything... even if it pains us!

"Antoinette was your father's first love. They dated but Antoinette's parents forbid them due to their social status. Couple of years passed, your father married me... not because he loves me but because I had a lot of money back then. He used all my money for Antoinette... to provide her clothes and everything she wants. I just don't know if Antoinette wants to go back with him."

I covered my face with my hands. I felt like that suitcase added fuel to the fire. It's like putting a salt over the wounds. I am aware that my father's unfaithful to my mother eversince. It just that... I do not know who he is with.

Can I even face the mistress with my facade afterall these revelations? I don't know.
