

Hello my dear lost soulmate,
  I hope you are fine . A few days ago, something happened to me that I thought I needed to explain to you. I had a seizure 2 weeks ago. My co-workers brought me to the hospital. The tests did not show anything specific, but the doctor insisted that I give a few more tests. I agreed, even though I thought it was all because of fatigue. Two weeks have passed and I have completely forgotten about everything till they called from the hospital and said that the test results are ready. Do you know what they said to me? a malignant tumor is a serum and cannot be prevented from progressing. They said I'm finally 4 months alive. The world was ruined in my head. I went home and cried until morning. I was very ill. But after crying for a few hours, I came up with something. That I am very lucky. No, I'm not crazy. I felt really good. I knew I was going to die in four months, which means I had the chance to spend those four months the way I wanted to. Not everyone has the chance to find a magic bullet called a cancerous tumor and predict their death. So I got up. I washed my face and sat down at my desk. I started writing things I always liked to do. And the first one was travel to France , so I bought a ticket for next week without delay. I really owe you an apology, because I spent the money I left to buy our home to travel to France and a few other things. I resigned from my job too . You must be very angry, but my dear, the only thing I can say is that I am very sorry. I packed up and sold a lot of things. Now maybe you can tell yourself so what? I messed up our life, now I wrote you a letter. Honestly, I just wanted to tell you that I am not alive for 4 more months, so wherever hell you are in, get to yourself sooner, because after that, it will not be useful for me to be found, and better to know this that i love you so much.
Your devotion is lost soulmate