

The Sadist...Part 9
“Is he happy?” My voice cracks, giving away how emotional I really am. Reeves spins me around to face him. When I look up at him the tears escape down my face and dampen the dress.
“He is happy Jo, he is a lot like me but is just as much you. He is growing up healthy and has lots of friends. He doesn’t fear anything much to my dismay.” I let out the breath I was holding. I knew all of these things deep down but hearing him confirm it aloud makes me feel better.
“How long does it takes to get to AFM-4? Reeves sits down on the ground near a mountain of pillows.
“A few hours, come here.” I slide down and lay beside him on the pillows with my back to his chest. He holds me close as I look out the window.
“Do you want me to close the observation deck?” I intertwine my fingers with his and relax my muscles.
“No, I’m ok, thank you.” Reeves and I spend the next few hours watching domes pass continuously. I never knew such things could exist. Domes filled with water, where people live on ships. People who live in the sky among man made clouds. Pretty shiny cities, beaches, it’s all so amazing. Reeves has promised to take me to the one where people live in trees and swing from ropes.
Soon the domes become more frequent and I see that many of them are attached together by a walkway.
“We are nearing AFM-4 now, it’s in a series of domes connected like the ones you are seeing. AFM has dome 1 - 10. We live in number 4, my parents live in number 1 which is the largest. Heres comes number 10.” A dome much larger than mine comes into view, this is the small one?
“Please return to your seat and attach your seatbelt.” I jump to my feet but they are quickly swept out from under me. I scream during the short fall and land in Reeves’s arm.
“Stay here with me, you’ll be safe.” Of all the ways to ask me to stay, he kicks my legs out from underneath me.
“Really?” Reeves winks at me.
“I have to keep you on your toes… or off.” I grin and shake my head looking back out the window. We finally pass the huge structure of number ten and the interior becomes visible. I gasp. AFM-10 is all bright, shiny metal. The buildings are huge, it’s so clean. I can’t see a lot of detail but it’s amazing. My imagination is running wild at what awaits me in AFM-4. 9-5 pass by quickly and my anticipation sky rockets.
“What if Donovan hates me?” My hands are shaking as the shuttle starts to lower. Can a person randomly pass out? Reeves picks me up by my waist and turns me so that I straddle him.
“I thought you liked this dress?” Reeves’s large hands start pulling the dress slowly up over my ass.
“You know my patience is thin when you ask questions like that. You need this dress to wear home, next time I won’t be so kind.” The dress is finally all the way up and over, leaving my ass out and in the open. The first smack of his large hand flinches my hips tighter against his.
“Scream and everyone will know.” He knows I don’t want anyone to know. I bite my lips to keep them shut just in time for another blow. He intentionally put extra strength into that one. The pain quickly blends into pleasure but when I start to grind against him. Reeves lifts me off of him and helps me to my feet. I whimper in protest. My nether lips are swollen and begging for attention. Reeves smiles evilly down at me while resituating my dress.
“You’ll be painfully aroused until I come home for lunch. You’re not allowed to relieve yourself… Trust me I’ll know.” Reeves whispers the last part in my ear while fluttering his fingers across my mound. I’m speechless, completely speechless.
“Come on, were here.” Reeves turns me around and gives me a gentle nudge. My brain is short circuiting, he’s just going to leave me like this? When we come back through the curtain a few people look at me as we pass. Do they know, is it that obvious? I know I am wet, but there is no way they could know right? My face heats with embarrassment. People are collecting there bags and getting off. I look down at my dress and realize I am wearing everything that I own. How depressing is that thought?
Reeves leads me off the plane and takes me to the left. My head is on a swivel as I look in all directions. We are on a giant platform out in the open. There are machines flying through the air carrying people in all directions. Huge buildings are everywhere and they sparkle in the glowing light. There is no broken windows, no dirt. I take a deep breath and the air is light and clean. I never dreamed a place like this could exist, not even in my wildest dreams. Reeves gives my hand a squeeze and I look up at him and he gives me a knowing half smile.
Sadly your dome will never be this impressive but we can make it better… together.” We stop walking at the end of the platform. I try to look over the edge but Reeves pulls me back.
“There are better ways of doing that.” A flying machine glides up to the edge of the platform just then. There is no top and no one driving it. When the door slides open and Reeves tries to pull me in with him I pull back.
“No way, there is no one driving, are you insane?” Reeves picks me up like a toddler and walks onto the flying machine. I know better than to fight him, he’s probably already angry. He doesn’t like being told no and I’m already in trouble. When Reeves sits me down I clamp my hands together to keep them from shaking. I’m waiting for it, the outcome of my display of distrust and causing a scene.
“Look at me Jolene.” I look over and up at him, surprisingly he doesn’t look angry or emotionless, he looks sad and upset.
“You’re afraid of me, just now, you’re shaking in fear.” He rubs a hand over his jaw and looks around. I can’t take my eyes off of him. When he looks back at me he looks angry this time but I can tell he is trying to control it.
“Do you honestly think I would really hurt you?” Has he really physically hurt me? The answer is no he hasn’t. I’ve completely forgotten I’m on a flying contraption and that everyone can see me. I stand and straddle his lap. Reeves won’t look at me. It’s like I’m not even here. I don’t think so!
“Reeves, look at me please.” He doesn’t move. I muster the most forceful tone I can.
“Now!” This time he looks at me and quirks a quizzical brow.
“Thank you, it’s not that I outright fear you, because I don’t. I just never know what to expect. It’s been a wild week and my brain is scattered, my whole world has been thrown off kilter. I’ve come to a new place, I’m trying to figure us out and know how to act around you and what I can or cannot get away with. I’m going to see my baby boy in meer minutes; something I never thought I would get to do. Bare with me… Please?” Ok that last bit sounded pathetic but whatever. I slumped against his chest and listen to his heart beating. It takes a few minutes but he soon brings his arms around me and holds me close.
“Ohh I’ll bare with you, more like keep you bare though when I tie you down and fuck you pregnant. You get uppity when I don’t fuck you enough it seems; mental note made.” I smile into his shirt. He always has to have the last word. I know it’s a statement he intends to keep though, not that I mind. I’ve lost interest in the city around me as thoughts of Donavan fill my mind… I get to see my little man soon, I wonder what he is like, more Reeves or me?

I notice the light change through my closed lids. When I open my eyes I see we are inside. My heart beat races in my chest, we’re here. I grip Reeves tighter when we stop moving. I hear his deep chuckle,
“Donovan is not a patient child, you can say he gets that from me… You’re gonna have to let go babe.” I know he’s right. I let him go and sit up straight. The inside is almost the same as the outside, all metal just not as sparkly. I follow Reeves to a door where he places his palm and it immediately opens.
“No, your hand won’t work on any of the doors. Donovan's dies, when U get back after my meetings I will program in youra.” I smile up at him.
“Thank you, I’d hate to get zapped again.” I step through the door and get an instant swat on the ass. I squeak in surprise and chuckle a little. When the door shuts I hear little feet running closer.
“MOMMY!” I turn toward the sound just in time to be body slammed by a bigger than normal six year old. I can’t breath for a moment but I don’t care and throw my arms around him. He’s a blonde just like Reeves. He knows who I am? I squeeze onto him tightly and smell his hair. Mine! I let him go so I can get a good look at him. He leans back and smiles at me. He has my face and Reeves’s eyes.
“Daddy said he was going to bring you home. I’m so happy you’re finally here! The things we finally get to do together, there is so much I want to show you. You are staying right? Please tell me you won’t leave me!” Donavan takes a deep breath to keep going but it’s Reeves who talks.
“Donovan.” Donovan stops and turns taking a soldiers stand with his hands behind his back.
“Sir.” Reeves looks at me and smiles.
“He gets the non stop talking from you.” I immediately wrap my arms around Donovan.
“Don’t you Donavan him, he’s just excited to see his mommy, aren’t you pumpkin?” Donovan smiles at me but doesn’t move, he looks torn. I glare at Reeves and his stance cracks.
“You’re both going to be the death of me. At ease Donovan, enjoy the moment.” He immediately wraps his arms around my waist.
“You have all the time in the world to show me everything you want to, I am never going to leave you again.” A woman clears her throat across the room. I look up to see a narrow eyes woman looking down her nose at me.
“I see you have arrived safely, excellent. Donovan still has lessons to complete. He’ll be able to talk with you when he is done.” Excuse me?
“Are you his tutor? I’m Jolene, his mother.” She doesn’t flinch, just becomes more irritated.”
“I am his tutor, I am agatha. Come along Donovan.” DOnovan pulls away from me and I pull him back.
“It’s a pleasure Agatha. All those things can wait for tomorrow, I have not seen my son in a long time. Take the day off, thank you.” Donavan sighs looking relieved. Is this woman mean to my son? Agatha’s mouth gapes open before she quickly snaps it shut.
“Sir?” Is she really trying to undermine me? I look up at Reeves daring him to say otherwise. He looks amused, smug even. It’s extremely irritating even if he looks sexy while doing it.
“Agatha, Jolene is my fiance and future wife, her say is as good as mine. In the future to question her is to question me, we both know how unwise that would be.” Agatha turns while before bowing her head.
“Yes sir, Ma’am I meant no offense.” I smile at her warmly,
“No need Agatha, no offense was taken, please go enjoy a day for you.” She nods and turns away but the look she gives me in a split second is not a nice one. A door all but slams in her direction of the house.
“I don’t like that woman Reeves, she is evil.” Reeves shakes his head.
“She has been a loyal member of my staff since before I brought Donovan home. She is trustworthy.” I squeeze Donovan closer.
“Be that as it may, there’s something… I’m going to watch her closely.” Donovan smiles up at me.
“Want to see my room? Are you hungry? Thirsty?” He is all the sweet man I had hoped he would be.
“Of course I want to see your room, maybe you could show me all of the house?” Donavan nods eagerly.
“Well looks like you two are hitting it off great. I have meetings to attend. I will be back in time for lunch. Donavan, your grandmother and aunt will be coming. Nice clothes, ok?” Donovan grins.
“My best only, the ones with the holes right, and no matching colors?” Reeves grabs him and tosses him in the air over his shoulders. Donavan squeals while Reeves tickles him and all I can do is watch and smile. Reeves is so at ease and playful. I’m glad Donovan got this side of him while growing up. I did fear a rough upbringing. Reeves plops Donovan back onto his feet.
“It’s your mother's first day home, she shouldn’t have to see me skin you alive on day one. As much as it pains you Donavan, best clothes. One day you will learn how easy life can be when you at least try to be normal like the rest.” Donovan makes a gross face.
“I’m glad I’m not “normal” like they are. I like who I am, honest, noble, humble, kind and… well like my father.” Donovan puffs his chest out looking mighty proud of himself. Reeves pats him on the back.
“Ease down little lion, you’re only six. Now, I have to go, a few meetings then just us for a while. Promise! Donavan, take care of your mother in my absence.” I smile and shake my head.
“Seriously Reeves, I’m not going to leave the house. We will be fine. We’re just going to get to know each other.” Reeves looks torn about leaving and looks down at Donovan who winks up at his dad.
“I’ll keep her safe father, you have my word.” Reeves seems put at ease and nods. I can’t help but laugh.