

Women's empowerment
She smiled with quiet determination,
The journey was tough but so was she fought against the cruel people with courage and determination. The reason behind her struggle is that she was raped by a group of gangsters when she was walking alone during night time after completing her job... She was kidnapped and locked in godown.. She cryed, shouted a lot but no one came to help her, the godown was in some rural area where people won't walk out from that place. The group of boys came there and allegedly sex with her one by one... After this insane she was thrown out in one small jungle. She was unconscious but later when she woke up she started crying a lot. Her family became tensed when she didn't reach home. After sometime she reached home and her family member started asking her why she was late... So she replied that she was raped by a group of gangsters... Her family started to shouted at her that it was her mistake of coming late from the job and being raped... No one supported her. Her mother told that...get in to this room and never come out... Tomorrow onwards don't go for this
job.. She requested her mother a lot but no one heed to her. She was locked inside her room. She became so depressed that she can't sleep, she became socially inactive. And one fine day something came into her mind... That why she should dwell upon this if she didn't make any mistake.. Her mind became clear now...that it's not time to let her down it's time to stand and let this world know the empowerment of women. She came out of her house.. She gave a complaint letter to police station that she was allegedly raped. The police started investigation and found out the gangsters they were given a strict punishment in jail. The women started to make awareness to the people in social media about rape cases happening in this country.. She posted messages in all websites, media to help the every other girls facing this problems. And all the women came together by forming group to fight against this illegal crime. But one thing she had fear on her mind that whom will be marry her because she was already raped by someone and who will accept her... Because it's her age to marry someone.. While thinking this she got a message on her social media sent by a man.. Appreciating her about her good work regarding rape.. They both chatted with each other a lot and finally they fall in love... And then they both married... And started a awesome life... This is all about empowerment of women.....