

Chapter 1 - Big Trouble
The golden shimmer on the water smiled back at me as I rested my head against the heap of pebbles. The sound of complaining echoed through the clearing. "I am so sick of my crowded life" I sighed. Splash! I threw a rock into the pond. Getting up I walked to the hustle and bustle of my home. I was greeted by the sound of a glass smashing. Here we go again I thought. "What is going on?" I shouted. Being the older sister I was deemed 'responsible' for my siblings. I always got the blame, even if I did nothing wrong. "It wasn't me!" called my youngest brother who was watching t.v. "Oopsy!" giggled my sister as she looked at me with a devilish grin. "Clean it up!" I muttered storming off down the hallway. I went to check on my two brothers watching t.v. They were being extremely quiet, that's not a good sign... I walk in and see a horrifying scene playing on the screen. "Aaggghhhh!" I yell switching off the t.v "go play outside!" It is extremely tiring being a babysitter. I went into my room and sat down pulling out my earphones I needed a break. After an hour of music I felt so calm and refreshed! Eager to continue babysitting I marched down the hallway a large smile on my face. The smile didn't last long! It was absolute chaos. The glass was still on the floor the boys were jumping on the couch my sister was spilling nail polish everywhere. That's when I saw it, the thing that caused me to lose my mind. my sister was wearing mum's best dress and lipstick splattering nail polish all over it. "Right!" I screamed raging with fury "everyone out!" They all stepped outside. I paced back and forth fretting. What would mum say? she would be so mad! I had to think of something and FAST!