

A Fighter
The car swerved around the sharp mend giving a narrow miss to the on-coming bus. He swerved back on the remaining of the road, but the weather made the car worst. The snow was coming down really hard and he couldn't see what was in front of him. The car was swerving left to right as he hit the main street, there was a stop light straight ahead, he prepared to stop. All he wanted was to make it home from work, to see his sick wife. She whom been sick with cancer, was on her death bed. The cancer had hit home and he wanted to make sure he was there, as if she was about to take her last breath, he just wanted to be there.
He made it safely a few feet from the stoplight, he called his son. "Hey son. I'm on my way home, what is my baby doing?"
There was a long pause and his son finally responded, "They are making her comfortable, dad, will you be able to make it here? Please be careful on the road."
His father said, "Yes I know I will make it, son. I love you."
He hangs up the phone.

The stoplight finally turns green and he speeds off again. The wind was howling against the car, and the snow wasn't slowing down fast enough for him. He just wanted to be there for his family and it wasn't long before he finally makes it to the driveway. He leaves the car running and ran into the house, by then he runs upstairs only to see his son in tears.
He runs up to his son, out of breath and asks, "Son, what's wrong?" As his son wipes his tears he asks his dad, "Is momma going to make it, like you made it home?"
His dad looked at him and said, "Son, yes. Momma is going to make it, she's going to make it. She's a fighter, just like me and you."
The doctor comes out and he ran up to him. The doctor then informs him that they want to make her as comfortable as possible. She was still alert and speaking, but she needed to be relaxed.
He walked into their bedroom, his wife was laying down, calm and relaxed. She seen her husband and smiled. Tears ran down his eyes, as he knew just from the look in her eyes, that he didnt want anything to happen. He sat by her bedside and kissed her on her face, her forehead and on the lips.
"I Love you, baby. Forever and Ever." she said. And he responded, "I love you too baby. Always and Forever."

He laid there all night with his wife in his arms, his son was stretched out on the edge of the bed. He awoke and seen his son, he looks at his wife. She had a tear going down the side of her face as, she was laying in his arms, lifeless, breathless but warm. The doctor looks at him then looks at his son and says, "I am so sorry, for your loss." The tears were heavy, the doctors and the nurses faced were filled with red and swollen eyes.

He looked at his son, with tears and said,
"She is still a fighter, son. No matter what."